Anyone up for Bessie hunting next season?
Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001
Forget 8 Mile - 9 Mile: The Movie is Coming Soon!
*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR 11/2/2002 4:12:01 PM ***
182 days left until opening day!
Magnum is Red,
Millenium Force is blue.
I love Wicked Twister,
and Raptor too.
The Mole
"Sit down right, hold on tight, and enjoy your flight on Shivering Timbers!!"
Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure 2002 Ride-Ops Crew! Have fun trying to find me!
Closed topic.