Kruggie & co. are in withdraw

Ya need to kick me outta here,,, Myself as well as my eldest boy are just dying to get back to the point! We don't know if we can wait untill Fall. I have considered Kidnapping the eldest boy and magically dissappearing for a couple days. We need to let out some screams. I am sure that the husband would note that we have dissappeared.....though he would probably miss the money from his wallet first...

My Son now aspires to be the "Dan" of the Raptor, and his goal in life is to provide the commentary on his favorite green machine for a documentary. And of course he wants to be able to say he has ridden the bird oh,,a couple a thousand times.
I think he will be a future Cp employee.

Sorry, I am using the board to air my weaknesses. Just hoping that someone out there can tell me....It's okay to be a junkie.

Please excuse my lameness.
Hey, I know how you feel. I was supposed to go this past weekend, but it turned out on Saturday that I picked up my new car, so I couldn't get to the park on Sunday. I am dying to get back up there, looking forward to the Gemini 100 for nothing less than another excuse to get to the point.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."

MF 2K1: 2
I hear ya, Kruggie, we can't wait to get back, either, but that will not be until next May. One visit last week turned us into absolute junkies - CP is so habit forming, but we live 450 miles away. Forced abstinence is the solution to withdrawal. We will seek a temporary, less potent fix at a nearby SF park next week. Maybe we can form a "support group" here, by assisting each other in deepening our addiction through group meetings. Wait a minute...we do that already :)

First we Rock - then we Roll!
Ah, Kruggie, never fear. I can't get there at all this year, and it's devastating! Hang in there, you'll make it. :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
I feel your pain!I went the 25th of may and I am dieing to go back already,Luckily for me I planned to go back either the 17th or the 18th of June:),now i am happy:).Screw it Kruggie,kidnap the boy and go!!!!!!!!lol

I Love Millennium Force!:)
Welcome to my world, dear kruggie. The wife and I were at CP the same days you were, and as we live six hours away (in Toronto) we won't be able to return until Halloweekends. What exquisite pain. With the crazy schedules at our respective jobs we'll be lucky to get a visit in to Canada's Wonderland or Darien Lake to tide us over. At least you have Kennywood at your feet, and Knoebel's a few hours away ... for that I am jealous. Just thinking about the long months ahead is making me feel a little kruggie.
Be very afraid if you kid wants to be like me. :)

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 187
'01 force: 16
Hmmm... I'd guess that Jo would probably be considered the "Dan of the Raptor" in these parts (sorry, Jo! :) )

However, I think the "Dan of the Mean Streak" position is still open... ;)

Duane Cahill
Hey guys, I'm back!
Or what about the "Dan of Iron Dragon"? Now that would be fun... ;)
Oh dear, what have we started... :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

The Dan of Mean Streak...?

I think that's also known as "Dear God I need a chiropractor!"


Wow, a whole 100 laps on Gemini...Weaklings... Try 13 on Corkscrew! ;)
Screw laps: 13 and counting
You guys crack me up,,,but I must say, after a long night caring for senile geriatric's ,,you are just what the doctor ordered.
My deepest fear is that I shall attempt to satisfy my Point cravings with cheesecake,,,then come fall, I wont fit into any of the rides! OH the agony! Had a friend tell me I need to get to doesn't understand...I am addicted to the point. Screw that flying thingy! Now that I know I can be safely evacuated from Mf despite the lack of stairs (thanks missy! good question!). I will not be so shaky on the hill! heh heh! I am excited to get to Kennywood and ride the new Phantom....I hear its good...but I cant get there till our anual July 4th trip...(no crowds on the fourth at KW!)shhh! but is no CP!

Hey Spewey! don't feel Kruggie! just could BE Kruggie! lol! You have to let me know when you plan your fall visit! I am going where the sun is!

Oh and Dan! My Son is an amazing little creature! ONe of a kind and he just shines! If he is anything like you,,,you are one hell of a guy! You made some sort of impression on him, he thinks you are cool..has no idea that I sort of know ya...hee hee...he would be hounding me daily!
(What did Dan say tody?,,How many times did he ride this week?,,,blah blah,,etc,etc.) You rank right up there with Gerome Bettis and Britney Spears as far as he is concerned! lol

Kay I am done rambling...
gonna apologize for my massive speil

~~~thinking of the Bird, and twitching...

We already have Dan of the Gemini, namely, me. I am up to almost 2000 rides. Too bad I get no press...

Felt it in my hips, so I dipped back to my bag of tricks, made me flip for the tip, made me wanna do tricks for him. (R.I.P Salt -N- Pepa)
Checking out of Breakers is comparable to losing a loved one.......sigh
LuvRaptor's avatar

"Dan of the Raptor"

I consider that a high compliment-thanks Duane!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER :)
Dan of Raptor ;)
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
I know what you guys mean...i went may 12/13 and I want to go back so bad, But I'm going back June 17-19 so I guess I can wait until then for my next trip. Good luck everyone ;) *** This post was edited by Kally on 5/31/2001. ***
Uh... Dan of the Sky Ride?

I'm actually slowly working on being the DT guru if you haven't noticed already...

-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
Hmmm ... you could call me "Dan of the Jagermeister shots at TGIF's". A little unwieldy, I suppose. OK, "DOTJSATGIF" for short. Something to be proud of ...

Kay,, guess I will have to break the news to my son that he can't be the Dan of the Raptor....Perhaps he could be something like mini raptor boy? lil'raptor dude? Jo's apprentace?
I dunno,,,,what do ya think?
I do know that he could easily be the "DAN" of The I have to pee twenty minutes after I enter the queue club. HEE HEE!
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.

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