Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I think she goes by "OldCPer" here (or CPLady?), but anyway, she introduced me to this site and CoasterBuzz so here I am. :) Big Cedar Point fan... grew up riding Jr. Gemini and just came back from there today, finding that I will be able to ride TTD next time I'm there (meaning the seat belt now fits around me - yay!).
Take care,
120 mph in 4 seconds, 420 feet high, 20 seconds of pure thrill and terror--OH YEAH!
2003 stats: Trips to CP-1
Dragster-0 Millennium-1 Twister-1 Magnum-1 Raptor-1 Mantis-1 Mean Streak-0:( Power tower-1
Welcome. And, uh, behave yourself I guess.
The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Life has it's ups and downs, might as well make it on a coaster!
Evan H.
"We had that lightswitch installed so you could turn the light on and off... Not so you could throw lightswitch raves!"- Strong Bad
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