I just got back from my first trip to Cedar Point. We were there for 2 full days. The first thing I rode was MF. When I got off the force I was in a state of shock, that is by far the best coaster I have ever ridden. I rode it 5 more times after that. My last ride was the best. I got back seat yellow train. The drop was spectacular. I got pulled over the top of the hill at at least 30 mph and felt so much air time that it felt like my stomach was bieng pulled up my neck. The next two drops and bunny hill also had VeryVERYYY strong negative forces. and the gs at the bottom were unbelivable. The overbanked turns are also really something else. In total I had 31 rides on all of Cedar Points Roller Coasters.
Cedar Point is the best!!!!
I remember Nick and I rode Millennium Force very first, too. I looked at him and said, "Let's go home now, I am satisfyed with our day". Of course we stayed the entire day. I also rode very back on yellow. I felt the floating on the magnum and return hills wasn't as long, although it was still very long anyway. haha, I got a new keyboard complete with a working shift button.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2