Just a thought...

This is probably going to be thought of as a stupid thought, but I thought it could be possible.  Over the off season, couldn't CP make Millennium's first drop and take it underground and add extra footage to it to make it the longest drop on a coaster and fastest continuous coaster again?? I mean if they did that they'd also have to make the entry into the first overbanked turn steeper. Just a wacked thought. Don't want you to think I'm stupid now!

*** This post was edited by forcedude04 on 8/9/2001. ***

That would be a wonderful thing if they did it. They won't though.

If they extended the track underground, imo, they would have to take the entire over-bank section, and move it back likewise. All of this would require great work, and most of all, lots and lots of $$$.

Besides, why fix it if it ain't broke?although...*quoting the Red Green Show on CBC* If it ain't broke, your not trying hard enough.

'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'

Well, MF was designed to give the maximum drop feet and smallest pullout necessary without creating too many G's. In order to accomplish what you want, it wouldn't have to go under ground...the track at the bottom is 10 feet above the ground and Steel Dragon is only (supposedly) 8 feet taller; therefore, to get a longer drop, it could stay above ground.

However, there is a big problem with changing a coaster after it's been built. Reprofiling it could compromise it structurally. Not only would several supports have to be removed/replaced, the pullout would change, causing a larger G-load...if they would be working with the same amount of room.

Not only this, but changing it just wouldn't be logical since there is a coaster rumored for a park in England to be 340 ft. So changing it would just cause problems and the reprofile would be obsolete as soon as a taller coaster is built...which is inevitable.

Now, making it higher than Steel Dragon (from the ground) would be very easy. The 2 footers that hold the supports for the tallest towers are separated by above 5 feet of earth. Someone could just go in there and dig down a few feet, and Voila! you've got the tallest coaster...:) This has been discussed before by the way. It has been claimed by a 3rd party that the coasters are less than 1 foot from each other's height...so who knows.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/9/2001. ***

Millennium Force's Revenge. Take out the loops (overbanks) and call in Morgan to install bunny hops. :)

2001 Force Laps-116
2001 Magnum Laps-238
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100

No! Say it aint so! ;p

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