Jungle Larry's, Oceana

Why did CP let Jungle Larry's and Oceana close? They say money problems, but they can through millions into rides each year! It seems like every year there seems to be less for the non-riders. How many times can you see a live show(even though they can be excellent!)and how many times can you ride the train and see the same boring skelletons that have been there since the 60's.

I don't know about Oceana..persoanlly I thought it was better than SeaWorld's show. But with Jungle Larry's, I was talking to one of the animal trainers the last summer it was there. He said that they had a 30 year contract with CP that , obviously was going to expire, and that they did not want to renew with CP due to the lack of space and the noise level. When Jungle Larry's was first built, there were no rides in that section of the park. The trainer really seemed relieved. I asked him if a new ride was going in that spot and he said "They can do whatever they want, I don't care". And now we have Power Tower.

I'm glad, because wild animals do not belong around screaming roller coasters.

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