June 9th.....

It's official --my one (and probably only :( ) trip to the point will be this weekend. Anyone else gonna be there???
Are we there yet??
im from Dc (go to school in DC) area as well and know how the one trip thing can be. (i might actualy get two trips this yr :) My friends and I are actually going from DC next weekend not this one.

How do you get there? Up to Breezewood then out the turnpike? If so, I may see you on the 'pike. Leaving Harrisburg next Friday.

Duane Cahill 2000 Park Tour:
April 1-7, WDW
May 27, Dorney
June 3, KW
June 16-20, CP
actually my grandparents are from somerset county PA, so we usually cut up from cumberland to somerset, stay the night, and head up the pike from there. were leaving sat so prob wont see ya on the pike. were all stayin at the breakers from sun - wed. its lke 7.5 hrs total from DC

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