June 5th

My fiancee and I will be at the park June 5th. We will be there around 10 to get our season passes. After that the plan is to spend the rest of the day in the park. Anyone else going to be there? Since she won't ride TTD with me anyone going that needs a ride partner?

2006 season pass holder.
Go Pistons!!

The parks been open 25 days, we've been there 6 times. Way the wait? And inform your fiancee that the TTD not an optional ride.
With work schedules, this is the first day that we are able to get down there to get the passes. No matter how many times I have told her to try TTD at least once, she still says no way. Oh well no big deal I met some cool people in line last year, I am sure that I will this year too.

2006 season pass holder.
Go Pistons!!

I'll be at CP the 4,5 and 6th. Hope to see some GTTP'ers there ;) *** Edited 6/3/2004 8:14:17 AM UTC by Totally***
We'll be there Sunday!
I will be there Sunday as well. Maybe we should set up a metting spot?

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