June 4- Sunday. MSNBC Special

Tonight (Sunday) at 9 pm eastern time MSNBC will show a specials on coasters and safety. The promo emphesized "they're bigger, faster, but safer?" I'm sure MF will be featured. It will be interesting to see the network slant on this one....
oh, it will probably be the usual crapola about how coasters are dangerous and how they cause brain damage and deaths and they will cite statistics from the last year and make it sound really serious. did anyone ever think that the reason there are more injuries at parks is that there are MORE PEOPLE GOING TO PARKS?? i will watch this "special"(read:negative propaganda) and try to judge it accordingly..but i will also keep in mind all of the negative things being said lately and the government wanting to step in and start regulating the fun out of everything...
MF may be the first of its kind, but i can't shake the feeling it may also be the LAST of its kind here in the States...
can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these years...now look sad and say D'OH!!
NBC has a very liberal slant, so expect a lot of pro-regulation propaganda.
Yeah, but wouldn't the ridership stay the same if you count the increase in rides being built each year?
I laugh at the brain trauma thing. Ten incidents in the past 20 years? How many people visit these parks every year? That's not the best part. All of these cases are unconfirmed. They should at least prove it before the news decides it's news. Of course asking the 12 year old girl on the street her opinion on the issue isn't really news either, is it?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
For those of you who missed it... like me! It'll be on again at midnight. I caught the tail end and was rather impressed!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
LuvRaptor's avatar
Oh look ANOTHER show that went on and on and showed actual riding footage of SOB-and only showed MFs 1st hill from a distance calling it the tallest and fastest coaster in the world.
They showed tons of footage from MS too-thought that was kind of funny. Some shots of Raptor-
CP wasnt credited very many times - go figure...

Millennium Force Laps: 46
Raptor Laps: 28

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
At least is was pretty equal and fair in terms of saying that they really are safe.
I thought it was a great show, mainly because they talked about how safe they are. I, like many of you, wish more was shown of MF, but there was a lot of shots of Raptor, Magnum, and MS. Very interesting report, IMHO.

Rides to the top of the world: 4

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