June 11th... Where will you be???

I just wanted to remind some of you, or inform all of you, but mainly just type something that the GEMINI 100 attempt is only 54 days away. I invite all who want to join in to e-mail me or Dan to sign up for it. I hope some of you who don't want to sign up will just come to the park that day and stop by the Gemini and say hi and point and laugh at us psychos.Go to (www.spiritofthepoint.com) for those wacky details. And on a side note, this is my 100th post so I thought it appropriate that it be about the GEMINI 100 because I'm creepy and I draw parallels to everything no matter how small. But anyway, I hope those of you who have signed up are still alive and well and still planning on showing up. If we succeed, I'll give you all some gum. Hooray for gum!!!

i'm up here in the cabinets...bangin' on pots and pans...swingin' from a rubber band...maybe we can make some plans...maybe we can steal a vaaaaaan...
I will be chewing gum on June 11th at around 10 PM.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Will be there with bells on

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I hope to being chewing gum at 10 PM too...
Just be there...but not with bells on. If you wear bells the whole time you ride, I think we'll have to kill you eventually. No offense, but we will just have to throw you off at one of the turns if we hear *jingle jingle jingle* the whole time. So, why don't you bring something that's not annoying...Like a kazoo. Oh wait...

i will be bringing my toothbrush so my teeth stay white while I'm riding...
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Well that's more of a reason to bring the bells..I love to antagonize :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I'll bring the stereo with Safety Dance playing constently, that should'nt get annoying.

Is now reconcidering of riding to and from the park with Jeffery Spartan, LoL, J/K.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
"We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind..."

Suicide would definitly look good after 45 min of that ;).

I'll be there with the magic 8 ball in hand.

Magnum Count: 1266
That is my first day of work. I wish you guys the best of luck!

Tyler Adams
Guest Relations 2001
I'll be at 4-H Camp as a counselor that day...sorry. Wish I could see you guys in action.
I'll be at school for the last day of the year :( Damn those high winds causing power outages last thursday!

http://sapman.homestead.com --- My stupid website
Jeff's avatar
Stark Raven Mad comes to mind...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
I'm bringing my b-b gun to snipe off anyone I see in the park with a "Make 7-up yours" shirt on. God I hate those...

Up This!!! *fwap fwap fwap*
why don't you like them? It's a GREAT Marketing idea :)

So I guess I won't wear my "make 7 up yours shirt" that has bells on it while I'm doing the safety dance and playing the kazoo.

It would be neat if 36 peeps would show up and we can get a whole train for #100 :)

Joe E.-

I think it'd be even better to see you wearing the "Make 7 Up yours" shirt with bells on it while doing the Saftey Dance and playing the kazoo. I laugh just thinking about it...:).

Gemini, I laughed my*****off when I read that post. I like the shirts, but the thought of someone sniping other people with a B-B gun is funny as hell. :)
You guys think I'm joking? We'll see who's laughing and who's holding their butts when they bring those green shirts around the Gemini. I'll be pollishing the shaft of my b-b gu....wait...that sounds sick. How about we make Gemini 100 shirts that say, "I'm riding the Gemini...UP YOURS!"? I like it.

Up yours...
Correction, my last day of school is June 8th. Our school fixed the extra make-up day by having us start school at 7:25 instead of 7:30. So I can attend now! I'm going to sign up for it as soon as I can find someone else to go with me too.

http://sapman.homestead.com --- My stupid website

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