last year my wife and I spent the weekend at Cedar point in Mid October. On Sunday morning, it was terrible out. Rainy, cold, etc. We thought we might be able to get on the Mill. Force one more time before we headed home. In the far distance we saw that the Mill. Force was running. We were very surprised because, the park was not supposed to open for another hour. and the rides were not supposed to go until another hour after that. We went to the front gate and asked the lady if we can go in. She asked us if we had Season passes. Sure. We showed them and got in. We then proceeded to the Mill. Force and found out they were letting people on. IT WAS INCREDIBLE, NO LINE!!!!! We rode the thing about 12 times in row with no waiting. With that in mind, I think that is what the Joe cool will allow you to do. Of course it won't happen everyday but maybe just on the weekends or Sundays. who knows. Thought I would give everyone a bit of FYI.
See ya at the point.
That's along the lines I was thinking too. Now I don't see getting a whole day for the Club, but perhaps a situation like that. Either you flash your membership and get on after the rides after close or you get in the park early, and for an hour you get to ride. Perhaps that may be a reason why they are opening the gates at 10 this year.