Joe Cool ERT

You can get into the park early at any gate. The only one I know about is the magnum entrance. There was two places that they let people in last year. On the far right, there was a season pass entrance. That is the one you use for joe cool. The second one is for normal tickets or resort guests.

That was last year and will probably be the same this year. Last year there was a long line for resort guests but I was one of the few that used joe cool, so I was one of the first in the park. This year will probably have a line for joe cool since TTD is very close.

Topthrill420 said:
I joined the Joe Cool Club for the first time this year and I have a 2 questions........How exactly and where do you get into the park early? I have waited for the entrance to open at normal time before and the entrance gate was locked but there were still Joe Cool Club members in the park when I got in.
Another question- Does anyone know what resort accomodation discounts there are for JCC members? I had recently received a brochure in the mail for the 2003 Season passes and it said that JCC members can receive "discounts on merchandise, food, and RESORT ACCOMODATIONS". I didn't see anything on the official CP website but didnt see anything about that discount......
Thanks in advance.......
Does it stop at 420 feet in the air.......?¿?
No you still have to spiral down

that is where to find the hotel discounts for normal ppl i haven't found the Joe Cool discounts for the resorts...maybe they are waiting to putthem up until after we get our season passes!

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!

As far as I know Joe Cool Club memebers do not get a discount at the resorts.

Merchandise - 2003

Did anyone else see the brochure?
Does it stop at 420 feet in the air.......?¿?
No you still have to spiral down
Lat year, JCC got discounts at Breakers Express for only a limited time (I believe it was in May).

I also noticed no general discount at Midway Market this year. It was nice getting that $2 discount.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Have to be honest with this sucks that Raptor's not on the ERT list.....:(

Ah well, guess I'll have no option but to rack up laps on MF or TTD..... :)


"Will all those who expressed disappointment at the new ride please leave the park now"

What about Mantis...Oh yeah, that's a "REAL MANS" ride. lol

MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003

Is ERT going to be every night or only on selected nights?


Cp rocks 2003 because they still have Raptorr

Maybe it's just me being moody, maybe it's because I live 250 miles away, or maybe it's because I won't be there on those specific days, but I think JCC members should get more than 2 evenings of ERT in May!

Sorry, just venting!!! You Sandusky-ites do not know how lucky you are!!!!!

2 combo season passes-$270, parking pass-$30, CP memories with my daughter-priceless!!!

I have a feeling that the two nights of evening ERT is CP making good on a promise to deliver something that they really didn't think out ahead of time. The logistics of night ERT (especially during 11PM closings) just really don't work out that well when you think about it. Rides often have lines well after closing and there will be numerous people in the park that aren't JCC members and such. I have no evidence to support this, but I wouldn't be all that surprised if we don't see it again.

I've heard a few comments saying that JCC offerings suck this year. I couldn't disagree more. You're now able to get into the park 30 minutes early EVERY DAY rather than just early and late in the season. Portable parking is really nice too. I really don't care about discounts at shops and games as much as the other perks, but that's just me.

2001 Magnum Crew
2003 Magnum Crew

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I really wouldn't be surprised if they end up having a coupple of days each month where they do the night ERT. Kind of like how JCC was in 2001 when there were only something like 9 days all season long that we could get morning ERT.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

I agree that the discounts are great this year. They had the "portable" parking pass last year (came in handy because I could even ride with friends and park with my pass). ERT every day in the morning is also better than the few last year early or late in the season.

The only thing I'm going to miss is the discount at Midway Market ($2 off each).
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

ShiveringTim's avatar
These two days are definitely a test. I think we'll see more of these for the 8pm closes later in the year, that is if it's well received.

Also, we're not talking normal ERT here. This is CP ERT which will only mean about an extra ride or two when you factor in the number of people, including resorts guests, who will be in attendance.

Scott W. Short

These ERTs sound awesome, now I just need to get my fiancee to stop wussing out over at least MF. Anybody got suggestions on how to lure her onto Millie?
Tell her you two are on line for the railroad and tell her the truth when you get up to the front? :)

2001 - Admissions Host/Resort Gate
2002 - Admissions Host/ATL Resort Gate
2003 - Admissions ATL (??? Gate)

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Since it was brought up, I'll ask here. I had the portable parking pass and used it from a few different vehicles last year, but I was always driving. Am I right to assume that they will still accept it if you are a passenger in the car? I'll probably be a passenger a few times this season, but if I need to, I'm sure whoever I'm with will let me drive into the park if it means saving $9.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

Ralph, your portable parking pass is valid even if you are just a passenger in the vehicle. This is right off CP's website. On a different note, I'm disappointed that the JCC evening ERT is only for 2 nights in May. I agree that this is a trial run, and if things go well, perhaps CP will offer this again at the end of August, when the park returns to 8:00 p.m. closing. I would be surprised if they offered this on any evening that the park is open 'til 10:00 p.m. or later.
DIdn't CP reduce the Midnight closings over the summer? It wouldn't surprise me if they "replaced" a couple of those midnight closings with the JCC night time ERT
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Yes OldCPer this year they only show one midnight closing on the 4th of July.

Merchandise - 2003

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