Joe Cool ERT?

Jeff's avatar
They had a Joe Cool Club ERT thing last weekend, right? Did anyone go? How "E" was the ERT?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
It actually wasn't that bad. I went and MF was basically a walk on to a one train wait. The only other ride I hit other than MF was Mantis and I was the only one on it at the time. Overall I wish it was longer than one hour but I thought it was worth the extra money.
I was there...same as above, except that someone "lost their cookies" at about 10 till 10 AM on MF, so I lost a ride on MF. Anyway, I was able to get 6 rides in. Not bad for 1 hr.

yeah, i was there too. raptor was running with only one person on it too, so i was excited because i wanted to ride front, but the floor was malfunctioning, so i just sprinted to mf, and it was basically a walk on, until that is, with the "cookies" thing. It was horrible, because it just lost time for all of us that could ride, by the time they got it cleaned up and everything, the public was in the park, it was sad. but oh well, ill be there june 14th for the next one.

MF Laps = 12
The next one is Thursday May 31st, the day before Coastermania.

What time is the ERT on May 31st? I'm planning on being in the park for the last 2 hours of the night. I wouldn't want MF and Magnum closed that night!

~Eric L.~
Eric, all of the Joe Cool ERT is from 9-10am, before the park opens to the GP. There's no evening ERT on the 31st, so you're alright. :)

Let's put it this way, when I can ride Magnum and be the only one in the train ahhhh Heaven!!! The ERT was great, I hit Raptor first went down the Midway and saw that MF was running with full trains so I looked, and there she was Maggie running with nobody in the train. I said to myself this is a travesty, something must be done. 6 rides later and one lost pager the ride time was over and my day was complete.

Shot out to the Magnum crew for finding my pager!! Only at Cedar Point!!!

That cookies thing got around the park fast everyone I talked to that day knew about it. Too bad for those who could've gotten that extra ride in.
joe cool was pretty awesome i got on mf six time which aint bad for an hour! I hope to goto the next one

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