Jeff...Red Garter Rob...Everyone Else, Please Read

P>eff...Red Garter Rob...Everyone Else, Please Read This/P>
P>FONT size=2>"Ohhh big deal... he hits one button thats says update in his forums. It because he wants to advertise his product... it didn't make a differnece... anyways I am talking about site.. no stargeies have been update since 99 - no info on soak city -vertigo- challenge park - what about the ride page... info on only like half of the ride... what about all the contests he promised... remeber his survey used to come out like a week after closing/P>
P>FONT size=2> CUATCP, I agree... eff is far from god...  I hate it when people over at GTTP suck up to him staying "Stay Tune"... "He is busy"... What do you live with him or something... how would they know...   /P>
P>FONT size=2> know for a FACT that he makes his living off GTTP... he admitted it before. Lets see here in Ohio T1 costs about 950 bucks a month, he makes about 200 bucks off ads from GTTP, about 500  bucks off CoasterBuzz in ads, about 200 bucks of the CoasterBuzz affilates, about 100 a month of his "club", Then a couple hundred off CliqueSite and PopForums…. Then money from websites he hosts. Do the math and that is way way over the amount it costs to run the site. I can’t believe you believe that crap he posts, he just runs GTTP for the money and for the so called “worship” he gets.BR>BR>BTW… Matt weren’t you the one who companied in a newspaper that you “ were stuck on Millennium force for some time.” And didn’t eff kick you off GTTP after you go in a flight about that….BR>BR>BR>Get a life Matt... eff isn't god... and he is a jerk that runs his sites for the money. /P>
P>FONT size=2>I know Rob is NOT a employee so stop acting so cool because I know he isn't a employee. He works in Toledo on space photography.... in fact I have met Rob several times so your silly little post makes you look silly. The reason why Rob can do it is because he knows the people who live on the beach, like me.BR>BR>Walk the beach all you want, next time you will be caught, I will see to the police watch out for this kind of stuff. "/P>
P>FONT size=2> /P>
P>FONT size=2>I understand that some may think this is a wasteful thread. I wanted to let you know, that if any of you is the person Matt, who posts hateful things over at TPOL, and has sent emails of the same sort, please reconsider./P>
P>FONT size=2>I, and TPOL are working to find out who this person is. I want to say this to eff./P>
P>FONT size=2>I don't worship you. But I do think that you run the best gosh darn site thats as official as unofficial can get. Its people like the person above who truly don't know what kind of work goes into a site like this. Everyone has their own little corner of the net, just leave it alone. I had to bring this to everyone's attention. BTW, Red Garter Rob, are/were you an employee at any time at Cedar Point?/P>
P>FONT size=2> /P>
P>FONT size=2>Thanks eff. Your site rocks. And that sure is H*** not worship!/P>
Dude, Jeff doesn't make money of these sites! he loses several thousand a year...why are you being so ungrateful? He was planning on sprucing up GTTP this winter, but when he lost his job, he has gotten a little preoccupied with finding a job. Get the facts before you start spouting crap against Jeff.

Rob has many friends at Cedar Point, I don't think he acts like a CP employee...he's just there a whole lot. Oh, and getting to know the higher ups during the VertiGo construction doesn't hurt either.

MF count: 23

Might wanna edit that first, my friend. Makes it alot easier to read, and even less food for the trolls.

Correction: Edit that post ASAP... It's too easy to get confused in there.

Tommy Penner -
"Yes. The Force is strong in that one." -- Stifler, AP2

*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR on 2/14/2002. ***

Hey, I think he did do a good job. Jeff, if you did lose your job I am sorry to hear that and I hope you find another soon. And this goes to everyone out there, Jeff is not a god, if he doesn't have time to do something he can tell us himself. And Rob, sometimes you do act like you know everything, but you don't. And Matt, if you get any spare time, do edit it.
Jeff's avatar
Check my tax return. POP World Media, LLC lost about $4,500 last year.

Other than that, I'm not going to dignify anything else with a respone because, since I'm not in high school, being popular is not a goal or care of mine.

If other sites want to propagate name calling, that's their business, but we don't do it here.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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