Well as you know we are all bored in this off-season but I was wondering if you were going to put up a 2000 survey soon. I really look forward to seeing the results.
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
And possibly make it a survey that can be used without cookies. :)
Hey, your cookie challenged browser isn't my problem. Why would you have them turned off? Paranoid?
I know, I've been trying to find some time to do it, but it just hasn't been happening. Sooner or later...
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
He just got married, give the man a break! :)
Visit Cedar Point The Amazement Park!
I'm not paranoid, but my dad is...for some reason.
Jeff. Does CP. listen to your poll like other polls (which I will not mention) supposedly do?
Joe E
All I can say for certain is that they watch this site, particularly the forums, at pretty much all levels.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Hey, they are listening to the site, and the survey. Here is something I found from the 98 survey.
The next coaster should:
10% Be the tallest ever.
2% Have the most inversions.
7% Be the longest.
6% Be the fastest.
75% Two or more of the above
I think This Spells MILLENNIUM FORCE.
Joe E
Yeah but wasn't the next coaster Woodstock Express? Sorry had to say it just to get all technical and stuff.
http://sapman.homestead.com --- My stupid website
*** This post was edited by Cornbread on 12/9/2000. ***
Back here in PA, we call that a "face".
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
I think the 98 survey took place when the Stock, and Camp Snoopy were already announced, just like the 99 survey took place when MF was already announced. It would be kind of funny though. The survey basically says that the people wanted a tall, fast and long coaster, and then the end up building the Stock which is none of those. The Stock is not really an attraction coaster anyway, and I dont think that is what the question ment.
Joe E
To answer your question, it is up. Look in the Features Section.
Closed topic.