Banshee: CP decided shortly before opening day 1996 that this name would be inappropriate for Mantis since Irish folklore states a banshee is an image one sees before they die, also there was some question to offending the tribe of Banshee Indians....hense Banshee no more-quick name the new ride after an insect!
(except to us Coastermania buds it is and always will be Banshee-and we know who we are)
My question is directed towards Demon Drop-to me a demon would be more scary/offending than a Banshee and if CP is so hiked up about offending someone how did "demon" work? And how come no one said anything about THAT?
Hooper---YOU know my new name for Demon Drop!
23 days til Im a CP employee!!
woo hoo!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Probably because DD was made put in many years ago when people were not as picky about names. I may be wrong. But I do know that new name...Satan Slide
Raptor Flights: 86
Force Rides: 38
CP pics:
It probably wasn't an issue back then. But nowadays, it seems saying anything even potentially degrading about anyone opens you to some kind of federal lawsuit. Ah, the wonders of a litigous society....
That brings up a topic I found out about the Demon at SFGAm. When Six Flags purchased the park they were approached by Christian groups who did not like the entrance sign to the ride. The entrance used to have Demon eyes glowing red through the sign and also water in front that was colored red to simulate blood. After alot of pressure all that remains is just a sign that says "DEMON". They also removed glowing red eyes in the rock formation before you hit the corkscrews and the red flowing waterfall. To me its just plain ridiculous.
Demon is a rather generic term. Banshee refers to a specific being, as does Satan and others. So if people are offended by a Preying Mantis, they could name the ride "insect"
Banshee: a mythical being that screams at a person who is about to die. vs. Preying Mantis: an insect that bites off its partner's head after you can see, Cedar Point made the right choice.
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/17/2000. ***
This may be sort of the MGM (Las Vegas) change a few years back.
They got rid of the lion head which you used to walk through the mouth. It caused some uneasiness among the middle eastern folks and supposedly brought bad luck.
I think the reason has been posted on here before.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!