Is millennium force being repainted?

crazy horse's avatar

I was just looking at the dragster cam, and it looks like the section of millennium force on the island has been repainted.

It may just be the sun playing tricks on me, but it sure does look like new paint.

Last edited by crazy horse,

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

JuggaLotus's avatar

That does look a bit darker than it's been in years. Seems odd though that they would start painting now. IIRC, Magnum's paint job didn't start till late March/early April.

Too bad there's not someone at the park who's active with the fans that we could pose this question to.

Goodbye MrScott


Yeah, like someone with some sort of interactive Internet presence. I dunno, like a blog or something.

My author website:

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'll let ya'll know for sure when I go on my winter tour. And not only with word of mouth, but with photo evidence! :D

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I thought this 2 years ago when I was processing my season pass. From the marina north parking lot it looked new and shiny, but alas come opening day it was the same old paint.

Ice buildup and a shine from the sun can make things look a lot better than they are! ;)

Even though it's January, and the snow is falling, maybe Cedar Point thought it would be a good idea to get a nice jump start on painting Millennium Force. After all, she is going to be 11 this May. :)

JuggaLotus said:
That does look a bit darker than it's been in years. Seems odd though that they would start painting now. IIRC, Magnum's paint job didn't start till late March/early April.

It doesnt seem odd at all. You have to remember that MF is like a mile and a half long. And if they were to be painting it I am sure they wouldnt just redo the blue track. I am sure they would be redoing the Supports. So it would make sense to start painting now.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Except for the weather. Paint doesn't like to stick to frozen metal.

Which is why even when they painted Magnum, it didn't start until March/April and took them 2 years as a result.

Goodbye MrScott


Often times I'll look at the webcams and rides seem abnormally vibrant in color. This happens a lot more during the off season than any other time. I've always just attributed it to dreariness of the weather and surrounding grounds of the park combined with the sun breaking through at all the right angles and reflecting the paint throughout the day.

I think it's safe to say its nothing more than that.

Last edited by PrawoJazdy,

Painting frozen (solid) metal is a whole lot easier than painting unfrozen (liquid) metal;) I think the paint is the problem - it doesn't like cold temperatures.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Well played Shades. Well played.

Goodbye MrScott


I have proof that there has been some painting going on....

First rollback on Dragster July 23 2003 since then 15

I say they are not painting the Track. I think it is the Weather that changes the color with Dark or Bright. The Color of the GRAND CANYON changes at least every other hour.

Ohiocoasterman18 said:
I have proof that there has been some painting going on....

Do you have a picture link? Just wondering.

TTD 120mph's avatar

If he doesn't have proof by the 11th of February, I will. ;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

e x i t english's avatar

Me too. :) I can't wait, that's going to be awesome.

Maybe MF knows we are always wanting it painted, so it changed its color just to make us happy, and to speculate, of course......

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