Is it worth it?

I have read all your messages, and I am still wondering: Is it worth the wait? When I go to CP, I won't be able to get to riding the rides till about 11, and I wanna hit them all. Should I really factor in a 2-3+ hour wait for MF?

all I have to say is that even if you have to wait 4 hours (which you won't have to) ride MF!!!
If you miss Blue Streak or something it's ok...
here is the list I would go in if you are limit to time
1. MF
5.Power tower
(when ever you can fit it is Choas (spelling) it's a little ride on the way to Magnum's line and the ride rocks! any way don't worry if you miss something smaal, it's MF!

Cedar Point is not just a park, it's a state of mind
Hey, if your like me you've been waiting 9 months for MF, whats a few hours?

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
I didn't wait very long, but when we were in the exit area of the ride, people that had waited 3 hours for it came off saying it was worth it!

For the record this year, I would do these if you have little time:
1. MF
2. Raptor
3. Mean Streak (it seems to have improved)
4. Blue Streak (you can't cut this one out!)
5. Chaos
6. Woodstock's Express (this thing is a little kicker!)
7. Magnum (just to compare)
And where's Mantis on that list. CP cyclone?

Not only Mantis but GEMINI!!! If you lift up your feet going down the hill on that thing it rocks!!!!!!!!
Yeah Gemini is awesome when you hang out of the carts and give everyone high five
Or when you cut off your head at the beam

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I just got off Millenium Force for the second time (employee ride night). It is worth the wait. No one could put into words the feeling of going up the lift and down that first drop.

2000 Sky Ride Crew
Its well worth the wait. I'm so hooked on the ride I'd wait that long.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:041
Dan, you're breaking your friend Maggy's heart!! oh well, you never forget your first love...

i'm back and my brain is still scrambled...
yeah you are breaking my heart

Millennium Force Ride Count:0
What do the other people at your school/workplace think about it being worth the wait? One of my teachers (high school) said his daughter waited 4 hours for it and didn't think it was any better than Magnum. "It was fast but not much else". I mentioned to one of my friends that the wait was four hours and she said "Wow, who would wait that long? It probably isn't any better anyway." What do people you know think?
I don't care how long i have to wait, i'm riding this ride. I only get to go to cedar point about a half a dozen times a year mostly because i live 3 hours away from it. My girlfriend says she won't waste her time riding it just because it is just a hill and speed but i just told her that its because she's a wuss and is to scared to right it. My best friend and I are going up on May 21st and can't wait to ride it!!!!

Finally Da Great 1 has come back to CEDAR POINT!
I live 3 hours away, and I only get to go 1 time a year:(
(Dan's probably thinking: THE HORROR!!!!)
People at my school are split. Some of them say that they are riding it no matter what, but others say that they don't want to wait that long. There are only about 3 people in the band who will ride(one who will put their hands up-me), so I gotta find someone who wants to ride it more than once.

People really misunderstand me when I say that Millie is my new number one. I will ALWAYS love Magnum, it means so much to me. I have been caught by the spell of the world's greatest thrill ride.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:041

Is it worth it................Hell yeah baby!!!!!!! And the electricity in the line from other people getting on and getting off is outstanding!! Man them CP'ers really know how to pump you up!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

It is so worth the wait!!!! YOU HAVE TO RIDE IT!!! Get there early, you won't have to wait as long.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
Millenium Force is in a totally different class than Magnum in my perspective. Last year Magnum was my fav, but after riding it again this year and then riding MF the two just dont even compare. It is well worth the wait - and like tohot said the people waiting in line cheer and stuff everytime a train passes by or gets off or on. You cant pass it up!

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