I was talking with an acquittance of mine who I just found out is a Disaster Transport Electrician the other day. He brought up a very good point. Disaster Transport had a very good theme. It was funny and very creative. The problem was special effects. For some reason in the mid 90's most of the rides special effects
where shut off and left to collect dust. I believe this happened in 95 or 96. This was a very dark year in the 90's. This was the same year that Magnum's effects where turned off, Mean Streak had brakes added (not sure on that one), Pirate Ride was demolished, and half of the aquarium was "closed." Also that year many queue areas where welded shut Giant Wheel (old location), CP&LE, and Disaster Transport. Space Spiral and Mine Rides capacity was also reduced. Could this have all been to "cut costs"?
That still doesn't explain the bad special effects. Disaster Transport is not alone. Summer Spectacular, CP Cinema, Magnum XL-200, and Power Tower all where awesome when they opened but now do not deliver (Lighting and FX Wise). That's not to mention all the burned out light bulbs you can find around the park. Even Millennium Force can't keep it's lights changing. That would be a big no if you where anywhere near Vegas. :)
This was the part that my good friend the electrician helped me out with. It is as simple as that it is not a top priority. They just don't have the man power to keep it all up. With the exception of the improved Imax all the CP effects fixed by the ones who really like there job. Example: when many employees finish a job and are not assigned another they tend to take "brakes" rather than look for another job. I am by no means saying that any of CP's employees are lazy I am just saying the way it works. I must also congratulate the park for painting the rides but I mean if CP has so much money like Dan said in the 400/90 thread then why can't they get those effects up?
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
The special effects were probably "turned off" because of a lack of time to repair the effects and a lack of skilled workers. Its not easy to find good employees that will stay in those prisions, I mean dorms.
*** This post was edited by DaveTKoch on 6/5/2000. ***
Some of Magnum's FX were turned off might be/are because of the following:
1. Not a priority (liked mentioned above
2. They can't be seen very well during the day
3. They are ON during the night
4. They are shut off during slow periods in the season (they aren't on as much in May as July and August)
5. They might not be working at the time
The fog has been working for the first time in a while both days that I was there (31st and 1st)
Only the last tunnel is working. The second has something in it to if I remember correctly.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
On our ERT night rides ALL 3 tunnels were working. Maybe they did it just for us coaster nuts.