So now that Magic Mountain holds the most coaster record is Cedar Point still your favorite?
I personally think Cedar Point still has the best collection and most diverse collection of rides. Which in my opinion makes them the best.
"Welcome back riders, how was your ride."
"All I can say is it's great to be back."
Oh, yes no one can beat them! They are the best park on EARTH!
You're asking a bunch of CP nuts if it is the best???? Wonder what the answer will be??
That's a tuffy!!!
Trim brakes-a necessity???
Like anyone's really going to say, "oh yes, SFMM has more coasters so naturally they must be better". Sorry, I don't mean any harm, but this is a silly thread. Cedar Point has never had to beg for compliments, and neither should you.
Cedar Point will still be one of my favorite parks, just because I grew up with it and I know it better than SFMM.
It has, in my opinion, the best collection of rides, both coasters and flat rides, to accomadate a great visit any day of the year. And it does have some great, great coasters I must say.
Magnum, Millennium Force, Gemini, Meanstreak, Raptor, Mantis.... All were ground breaking and pushed the limits.
Think about it... Cedar Point INVENTED the roller coaster :)
Cedar Point has never been my favorite park.
That honor goes to Six Flags Ohio.
Reason: I have been going there since I was a young child, and have been going to CP since 1998.
SFO may not have the coasters, but it has the memories.
My point, is that your favorite park is usually the one that you grew up in, and the one that has the most memories.
I have probably been to SFO about 150 times since '92. I have been to The Point 8 times.
The Point has some of my favorite coasters (Maggie, Mantis, Raptor, Gemini) and SFO has some too (Villain, Batman, Superman, Big Dipper)
Point is, a park could have 20 world class coasters, but if you visit once a year, if that, and don't have memories like you do at a park you visit like a home.
For those of you who have CP as your second home, it will always be your favorite. If CP was my second home instead of SFO, it would be my favorite too.
My point, your favorite park usually isn't determined by the number of coasters.
duhuhhhhhh!!!! this topic is closed in 5...4...3...2...1. LOL;)
Michigan State Spartans NCAA National Champions
All I have to say is "it's not the rollercoasters that make CP it's the smell of the french fries,the roar of MF as it descends the mammoth hill.The rattle of corkscrews track on the midway.That is what cedarpoint is all about.The memories of the worlds greatest amusement park.
"It's not over until It's over the top"
Who the hell is Maggie? It certainly isn't our MAGNUM XL-2OO
Dude...and to all those concerned. Send that ridiculous and out right hideous nickname down the BEMIS!! You know....the crapper
BEMIS eh? Hmm...never heard of that one!:)
I'm gonna go with Brett on this one. If I go to SFMM sometime, I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I'll never go to MM as much as I go to CP. Same with all parks. So, I
do have alot of memories at CP and since I go there more often then other parks, it will always be my favorte!!!:)
~Eric L.~
Superstew, a lot of people call Magnum Maggie since they think of it as their baby. We've got Milly and Maggie, why are you so offended by the term?
OK, so I'm feeling Grinch-Scrooge-ish, but honestly, how did you think people would answer this question on a Cedar Point site? Just for a moment, consider that most of our members grew up with the park, and probably live reasonably close to it.
I'm sure I speak for most of the members when I say we're all going to forget about Cedar Point, move to SoCal and ride our fabulous 15 coasters.
This question is absurd to ask any fan of their home park, including people with smaller parks like Kennywood or Knoebels in their back yard.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Closed topic.