
Gatekeeper2013's avatar

I was reading the article on Gatekeeper in Popular Scuence, a magazine I read and it states that there are seven inversions. Every time I count weather it is pictures of video I can only count six.
1. Wing over
2. Immelmann
3. Corkscrew thing (forget exact name)
4. Keyhole zero g roll
5. Diving loop
6. Zero g roll going back.

Can anyone point out where the seventh one is if there is even one?

..............'s avatar

There are only 6 inversions on GateKeeper. :)

I noticed that too, and it drove me crazy that a mistake like that was in there.
Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

Magazines ALWAYS mess up statistics. The Popular Science also messed up the height: They state it's 165ft and it's really 170ft. Little things like that get us fans crazy.

Lemon Chill Guy says 500 footer within the decade!

Perhaps Popular Science considers the 360 helix an inversion.

May The Millennium Force Be With You!

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