I just got my Getaway Guide in the mail today and I have been day-dreaming about the park all day. Anyway, while I was flipping through the pages for the 50th time, I realized the following:
1. Family members from the family pictured at Johnny Rockets on page 14 appear in the guide at least 5 separate times. (It might be eight, but it is hard to tell if the people on pages 21 and 25 are the same people as the original family.)
2. If it is a different family, they appear 3 times in the book.
3. There are 7 people pictured in the guide who are not following the park's policy of keeping hands and arms in/holding on during the duration of a ride. (Not counting all the pointing passengers of Paddlewheel Excursions who have their arms hanging out of the boat.)
4. Some form of Snoopy appears in the guide 27 different times.
5. The picture on page 9 was taken in 1998 (During the pre-snoopy age.)
Well, that's all I've figured out so far. Go back to your dreary, off-season lives. Only one more month.........is it May yet?
Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"
Only until spring break is over! :)
Oh yeah, and that same family from #1, they're on the front of the 2002 brochure......and speaking of the brochure, the guy in the second row of Raptor on the inside of the cover is not holding on!
Hmm interesting that CP let some pictures slip by with people having their hands in the air. Every "official" picture I've seen, everyone is sitting there contently, holding on, with a stupid smile on their face.
Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02
Brings all whole new definition to "Coaster Zombies", doesn't it?
Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"
*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 4/4/2002. ***
Coaster Zombie.You want too talk about a Coaster Zombie you should of seen me at Dorney Park with only an hour and a half of sleep after a 9 and a half hour bus trip I gave definition to the term Coaster Zombie.
"Friends Don't Let Friends Go To Six Flags."
MF count: 23
Ride Statistics:
Magnum: 10
MF: 4
+ Josh M. +
"I will never doubt the forces of physics again"~Passenger leaving MF
Ripcord Crew '02
'02 MF Rides: 00
'02 Wicked Twists: 00
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