Intanim Vs. Arrow

Intanim Built The Millennium Force, Arrow Built the Magnum XL-200. Intanim's Millennium Force is the worlds first giga coaster, Arrow's Magnum XL-200 is the worlds first hypercoaster. Both are at Cedar Point.

Arrow: Steel Phantom, Pepsi Max The Big one, Desperado.
Intanim: Millennium Force, Superman: ride of steel, Disaster Transport.

I love The Millennium Force, it is 10x better than the Magnum XL 200. But ride experience isn't the case. Its which moment in history is the most important. Was it the Worlds first Hypercoaster in 1989 the Magnum XL 200 made by Arrow, or the Worlds first Giga Coaster in 2000 the Millennium Force made by Intanim. Which Company supplies the better coaster. I think the Magnum is the more important moment and Intanim Makes better coasters. What do you think???

Went Full Force: 2
Kicked The Sky: 5
Stood up to it: 4
Magnum:10, MeanS: 5
I dont really think you can compare the two because they both started two very important eras.Magnum came along right before the 90's to introduce the public to the first hypercoaster which paved the way for coaster designers to make bigger,better and faster coasters.Millennium Force has definately paved the way in this millennium for designers to do the same.The objective now is for them to top Millennium Force.
Intaniam(SP)has already achieved their goal and in order for Arrow to stay in the ballgame they would have to come up with something better for 2001.I can plainly see a coaster war to break out in the next 2-3 years with Intaniam,Arrow,B+M,and whoever else .Now that MF has topped the 300ft barrier,its only a matter of time before someone comes along and breaks that record...possibly Arrow??
I agree with gillian, 5 years ago-maybe even last year I would have to say Arrow. But now that I see that Intamin can build an awesome smooth ride, I would say Intamin. Arrow just isn't too much in any competition any more. They would have a lot of trouble building a giga coaster. Their trains aren't as good, they're track's not as sturdy, and it's just plain not as smooth.

However, in defense of Arrow, until MF came along, Magnum was still considered a very smooth coaster. Granted, its not as smooth as Raptor, but technology is always changing, and you never know what could happen. Perhaps Arrow is developing something that is smoother than MF, and a better coaster. Morgan is building Steel Dragon in Japan, and that could quite possibly be smoother than MF. I do agree with gillian on the fact that there will be a coaster war going on, and I see giga-coasters being more commonplace in the very near future.

Jeff Young
Magnum introduction is 1000x more important. It started a global coaster war. Nuf said.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
Magnum is still great and kicked off an era. Without Magnum, would we have MF and other 300 ft 90 mph+ coasters? Look for Arrow to make a comeback in 2001...
I think Magnum and Arrow made a bigger impact because no one expected it. Just about everyone knew that a 300 Ft. tall coaster was on its way.

However, Intamin is my favorite coaster company, and MF gives such a good ride.

Visit my RCT CP site.
There is always room for bigger and better.I dont think anyone anticipated Magnum at all.I know I definately never thought of a 300 footer a few years ago.You just dont sit around and ponder those thoughts.I knew about B+M's floorless a year and a half before it was introduced only because I was part of a small bunch of people during a coaster tour at SFGAD.The funny thing was the completed project was not the original blue prints for the coaster.I have a copy of the original and it is totally different.You never know who is going to come along and build a coaster.
The year 2000 North American roller coaster installations (taken from ACE News March/April 2000) shows that both B&M and Intamin had 4 construction projects each. On a side note, Vekoma had 9! And how many did Arrow have for the year 2000? Only 1! A mad mouse built in Orlando Florida. Arrow doesn't seem so popular anymore.

Lets not forget that Intamin also constructed the 6 m.p.h. Junior Gemini in addition to D.T. and M.F.

And Demon Drop.
Coaster enthusiasts are probably now anticipating a 400+Ft tall "tara" coaster to be built in the next decade, therefore it's not much of a shock anymore when a coaster breaks a height record rounded to the nearest hundreth. Fact, I believe that a 400+ footer will be built within the next five years. I highly doubt that CP will break a height barrier again any time in the forseeable future. After Magnum and MF's success, Other parks will wisen up and learn that breaking height barriers is extremely profitable, therefore beating CP to the punch on possibly the first 400+ & (I dare to imagine) 500+ coaster. CP may have coasters that are as tall as 400 or 500 feet, but I doubt that they will be the first to build them at this height.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
Vince, shouldn't that be Magnum - Prozac, or better yet, Magnum + Viagra? Just a thought.

On the subject, I think Magnum may be one of the most historically significant coasters ever. It started the coaster boom of the 90's that seems to be carrying over to the 00's. There are still areas that are catching up to its standard (one example being New England, where I recently moved to). That being said, can there really be a smoother coaster than MF? Its hard to imagine, but then again, it was hard to imagine a smoother coaster than Raptor until this summer.
Just think about the cost of a 400 foot coaster. If MF cost 25 million, a 400 foot coaster with a layout to take advantage of that height would be about $80 million. That's pretty crazy. Of course, the thought of a 300 foot tall second hill is pretty exciting. :)


Millennium Force laps: 2
Yes, it can be argued that Arrow isn't quite as popular as it used to be, but I don't think that anybody has mentioned that it will be building a coaster at Kennywood Park to take the place of the Steel Phantom. (Yes, that grey and black baby of mine is gonna be gone, with something in it's place in 2001.) Keep your eyes on this.

For those of you who've been on the Steel Phantom, you know that the landscape is used fantiasctically. After the second hill, you drop straight down off a cliff, and above then over the Thunderbolt (which, also, greatly uses its landscape to its advantage).

My friends and I have wondered, first off what TYPE of coaster will go in SP's place, second, what kind of DROP will there be? If they use the drop where the current SP 2nd drop is, they can easily bring that up a bit more and have a competitor for the tallest coaster in the world. The problem, however, is land at the bottom of the drop. Pretty much after that drop (that I'd like to see), it runs out of room! So, I suppose, they're going to have to go out over the Monongahela River. If they do this, they'll be able to have a huge drop with not too many nasty G's at the bottom of it.

Well! After reading all that, let me finish by saying this: Arrow definately has a project on its hands, and it just may end up leaving the Millenium Force the former tallest coaster in the world.

...just my thoughts ;)
Morgan's already doing it.

For some reason, I have a hard time seeing Kennywood going w/ either Arrow or a giga. I don't think they have the trust or the resources.
The Millennium is next year...

I would have to say Magnum made a much larger impact. Okay Millennium Force is 310 ft tall. With the technology we have now its not that shocking. I think we were all just shocked to know that we would be sent up 310ft. We were not shocked that companies could build that high. Magnum was copied many times. Arrow tried to top it by going higher but for 10 years nothing could top it. Millennium Force is a great ride and the expirience is a lot better than Magnum but Magnum has made a better impact

I don't think arrow is all that. I will quote Jeff and I hope I am saying this right but, "Magnum is a good ride by mistake." Other hypers made by arrow are okay but not as good as Magnum. It was an accident that it was so good.

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Jeff's avatar
I love how everyone is so certain that Kennywood's SP replacement is going to be Arrow. No business person in their right mind orders a ride to replace another by the same company that has failed in only nine years.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Who's Intanim? Just kidding. LOL!
I think we can thank one person for all the great steel coasters we are seeing today. Anton Schwarzkopf. He was so far ahead of his time that his designs pushed other companies to push the limits. Intanim seems to have paid the most attention to his lifes work. Intanim track even looks likes Schwarzkopf. I look for Intanim to continue to lead the way in the coming years. They seem to have a great sense of the past as they push toward the future.

Maybe Kennywood will replace Steel Phantom with Drachen Fire. LOL
~~Steven~~ *** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 7/14/2000. ***
Well, after there was a big meeting between Kennywood and Arrow, as well as a poster tube exchanged, what do you expect us to think?

As for you considering the Steel Phantom a failure, would you consider a coaster ranked #5 (around there) by NAPHA a failure? I am guessing you've been to Kennywood before, and I'm sure you've noticed the lack of room around the park. With three of their coasters being historic, and one being brand new, they don't have much of a choice other than to tear one down.

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