info on the magnums ejector seat?

why do they call it ejector seat?
its the first coach and the thrid seat, right?
why is it so great?

thanks for the help.
Hey Tyler, if I had to be strapped to one seat for an entire day at Cedar Point this would be it.(I am saying this before I ride the Force :) ) One word is AIRTIME! Airtime on the second hill is good, airtime on the thrid hill is great, and mega airtime on the bunny hills on the return run. Also becuase of the way the station is set up most people don't even realize that there is a line to get there so it usually is a two or three train wait. I would say out of the 801 laps I had last year almost 70% of my laps were in that row.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
It's quite simple, really...

On the return hills, because the train is so long and the hills are so short, the front of the train crests the hills at a higher speed than the back of the train. So while the airtime on the tallest hills (first and second drops) is better in the back, the return run bunny hills are far better in the front of the train.

The third seat adds to that, because the seat is located directly over the rear wheels of the lead car. This is the pivot point when the car goes over the peak of the hill, which tends to maximize the 'kick' that sends you flying out of the seat in the first place.

Remember, at any given moment, the entire train is moving at the same speed (obviously). The difference is in how fast the train is moving when a particular seat passes a particular point on the track. In Magnum's case, the train is moving fastest when the front car goes over the peaks of the return-run hills. Hence the ejector seat effect. Likewise, when you drop down the first drop, the train is moving much faster when the last car goes over the peak than it was when the first car went over. Hence the better first drop ride in the back of the train.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Thanks this helps alot. i appriciate (sp.?) it! *** This post was edited by Tyler Baker on 3/30/2000. ***
I think back row is the best on Magnum. There's more pull back there.
There is a world of difference between a front ride and a back ride, especially on a long train. The most exaggerated example of this is Shivering Timbers. You get air in both places, but it's very different air. ST surges over the hilltops in front - it's much like being strapped to the front of a car and driving towards a wall. You know you should be slowing, but for some reason you aren't... - and gets yanked upwards in the rear. As cool as the stomach dropping back was, the surge in front was very cool. That and hanging over the first drop for a good long while.

[It's long enough to scream, pause in embarrassment when you realize that you aren't falling yet, and then scream again - as my girlfriend found out. =) I laughed all the way to the third hill]

Now which is ejector on Magnum, 1-2r, or 1-3r?
[1-2r = 1st car, 2nd row, right seat]
*** This post was edited by Bill on 3/31/2000. ***

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