I'm Going to Do it!!

I am going to ride Ripcord next Thursday! Ripcord is the only ride that actually scares me at CP, but I desided to go for it and shell out the $22 for a real scare. Jeff, I know you havent done it but is there anyone that has? What is it like? Thanks

Next CP Trip: 8/10/00
See my Po!nt?
RipCord is an incredible experience. Imagine hanging head first out a 15th floor window and then jumping. The scariest part is being hoisted up... v e r y s l o w l y. :) All you see is the concrete sidewalk and grass below you. When you think you're almost to the top, you're not. Once you get past that, and the actual pulling of the cord, the ride is amazing. I really don't want to ruin it for you too much. Besides, it's pretty difficult to describe. Have fun.
P.S. - Don't grab the "ring" with one hand unless you want to have your shoulder nearly dislocated.
Ripcord scares me senseless (not too hard *Grin*), but I've been a single flyer three times. Falling toward the platform when they drop the floor beneath you is a blast, all 5 seconds worth. Going up is what terrifies me, and that instant when you pull the cord and there is NOTHING there. But the swing is a great ride! Have fun!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
It's a good ride, but I wouldnt call it great. It seems to put more fear in people than other rides, but after the initial fall its very relaxing. They need to get a reverse bungee. Now that was scary!!!
I rode it at PKI with 2 friends and it is so much fun! We were up there and it made this cracking sound and i about peed my pants. Then when you fall your going like straight down then the rope catches you. I loved it! We did it twice!
I didn't do the RipCord at CP, but I've done Kennywood's SkyCoaster. That has to be one of the most exciting things I've ever done.

I do agree... LOVE the sensation when they drop the floor out. I remember thinking for sure that I was gonna nail my head off the floor.

And when the cord is actually pulled... CrystalKat is right... NOTHING happens! For what seems like an eternity, you just sit there. (In actuality, it's probably like 1 second, give or take half a second.) Then you go flying STRAIGHT down. I wanted to say something on the way down, but it wouldn't come out! Great experience.

Enjoy your flight.

It's a great ride. Especially for $8 each for 3 riders at Coastermania. It doesn't look very high from the ground, but while you're hanging there it looks like about 500 feet tall. You will have a great time.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Terrifying!!! Totally scary just sitting up there!! But after the first drop it's all just a great flying experience.
Raptor '00 Count: 45
I am about to go on the 300 footer at Kissimmee, and I ust want to know, what do you mean by dont grab the ring withh one hand. Does it yank your arm, or is it hard to pull?
You're moving at such a speed, and the ring is still, so it really yanks your arm, and you twist around. It isn't really hard to pull, but it slows you down quick!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Actually, when I grabbed the ring, had no problem. I went with two other people, and of course we all had to grab. Maybe that's why it seemed not as tough as it looked.

Is the ring the cord that you pull to be released?

Next CP Trip: 8/10/00
See my Po!nt?
NO it's the ring on the long pole you grab to get you stopped at the end of your ride.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Oh, thanks Scooter, and everyone else for all the info! :)

Next CP Trip: 8/10/00
See my Po!nt?

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