If you ran CP

If you ran Cedar Point, want would you do? What rides would you add or take out? Want would you do different?
Actually, the first thing I would do would be to restore the Blue Streak to its original heritage with the manual brake and minimal restraints. Secondly, I would bring back the old Jumbo Jet Rollercoaster and some of the old rides removed so long ago. These would include the fun house, the rotor, the Baryn Curve, the Frontier Lift, one of the dark rides (Sanfrancisco Earthquake[I was not a big fan of the pirate ride]), and the Super Jets (Satellite Jets was the original name for them). The frontier lift would go back where it was. The Iron Dragon would be moved and take over the spot of Snake River Falls. The Jumbo Jet would go back to it's original spot over where the Disaster Transport currently stands. And finally, I would open the picnic pavilion backup inside the gates. And I could almost guarantee you that attendance would double. With every other ride, of course staying where it is. That is how I would do it.

Please wait till the ride comes to a complete

First: restore Blue Streak. Paint Mantis, get Boardwalk project online, new advertizing campaign featuring Magnum and MF. Publically adress Mahnum sinking rumors...
Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
100 days until the real "Millennium
I think the first thing I would do is lower the ticket prices. I know it is inevitable with new rides being added all the time, but alot of people can't afford to take a family of four to an amusement park at the prices they charge. It's the same thing they say about pro sports. Eventually they(parks) are going to hit a ceiling where people are going to say it's to high. Anyway enough about the money.

I agree with Mark, definately bring back SF. Earthquake, great ride that I had totally forgotten about untill I saw the "rides of the 70's and 80's thread.I do sorta miss log race ride(name?) where Raptor now stands.

Biggest on My list would be a spinning mouse ride. I know its not much of a thriller,and I have never been on one, but it looks like fun to me. Also a launched coaster would be cool too.

I agree, but understand, that those prices are really starting to get way up there. We sometimes get discounted tickets through various groups but those are still getting to a point where they are too high. I can't imagine my mom and dad trying to shove out cash for all 6 of us to go like the good old days.(6x38 = You do the math) That's a lotta money. It would be cool, tho impossble, if they could work out some type of pass for supervisors. I know my mom and dad haven't ridden anything since Avalanche Run and they still have to shove out 40 bucks to get in and follow us from ride to ride. Seems unfair. :)
Mill Race ?? I think is the name of the log ride 86ed in the front. I would love to see the return of some of the old rides I never got to experience and stuff like that... a back to the 60s thing

Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage
Jeff's avatar
If I ran Cedar Point I wouldn't be messing around with this site, I'd be in SoCal riding Ghostrider right now.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
If you own RCT..you can own CP!! LOL :)


Jeffrey Spartan
Not really, CP is to big for the entire board on RCT. I may have said it before, but if you fit all of the coasters in, the Cobra Roll almost touches the Mantis lift hill! We have the greatest park in the world, guys, if we can't even fit it on RCT, the greatest game in the world!

Thank you for riding Raptor and enjoy your day here at Cedar Point, America's RollerCoast!
If I ran CP, I would pay more attention to CP's wooden coasters. I woudl restore Blue Streak to it's original state, and retrack and possibly reprofile the Mean Streak. After that, I would concentrate on the boardwalk project and beautify the exterior of Breakers Tower! Right now it looks like a prison!
Thanks cheese! I believe Mill race was it.
Do you think it would be possible to use the Blackpool-style pricing system to solve the problem with the high prices? For the GP, I think it could work, but with us CP freaks :) it would probably be a problem considering how many times we ride. However, they could offer an all-day ride wristband for the same price as admission now. Just a thought.
If I ran CP I would bring back some of the old rides!! Like the Cp cyclone!!!!!!

"random thoughts of a newt"
LuvRaptor's avatar
I think the entry price is an issue only to those who cant/dont get a season pass-we all go to CP several Xs a year-that is why is seems so steep and if some of you are relying on outside sources (Mom or Dad) to pay your entry than it would be alot of $$ to you/them. "Normally" a family goes to CP ONE time a year for ONE big day-like a "mini vaca"--those are the families you see packing the park on the weekends-for them to dish out the X amount of mula it takes to take an entire family is NOTHING to them since they only do this 1x a year.
I dont mind that CP up'd their prices honestly-my daughter and I have our season pass certificates so gate prices and parking prices arent an issue to me. If upping their gate prices keeps new and exciting things coming to CP-keeps the grounds as beautiful and clean as they are and keeps hiring some of the nicest people then go for it CP..
I will be there and so will everyone who posts on this site!
That was my speech of the day!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight?? *** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 2/7/00. ***
First I would take down the Wildcat and put a wooden coaster beacause they only have two.Next I would lower the ticket prices to $25 per person. Finally I would take the trim breaks of Mantis and Mean Streak. *** This post was edited by milleniumdude on 2/17/00. ***
I would definitely look for a large area of land on the mainland for a parking lot, run some sort of high speed monorail to the park and expand into the parking lot. They are out of room to expand and even Geauga Lake will pass them up in size if they keep their current rate of growth.

Finally,I would put some sort of lift system under Magnum to keep it from sinking and remove the tunnels so people didn't lose their arms so much (this is a joke)
I agree with Jeff. If I ran CedarPoint, I'd be out in SoCal riding GhostRider, Goliath, surfing, and enjoying the heat!!
If I bought CP and had the wealth of...oh...let's say Bill Gates, I would put an end to the coaster war over night. I am also still all for my idea of building a car wash by the toll booths for cleaning off the seagull poop. This idea would probably make enough $ to make parking free.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
I would build another Chicken Bar-B-Que... :(

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