If you could improve each coaster...

If you could give the coasters at CP a makeover or make small improvements like other park chains have done, what would you do? Here are my thoughts...

Maverick - Bring back the tunnel fog, add an inversion at the top of the hill after the tunnel launch, chainge the restraints to the belts like I-305

TTD - Add track to the island and make it a wing-rider like Sky Rush.

Wicked Twister - No Change

Millennium Force - add more tunnels and tunnel effects, add one more bunny hill after the last one before the last overbank turn.

Woodstock..add grass under the track, maybe a tunnel

Mantis - reprofile the entire ride after the mid-course brake and add a bunny hop and a final helix like Gemini or Raptor.

Raptor - No change

Mean Streak - Keep the structure, reprofile the entire thing, get new trains from CCI, add tunnels.

Magnum - Bring back the tunnel fog and effects

Iron Dragon - bring back the old paint job

Disaster Transport - Re-locate to the maintenance parking lot behind Corkscrew and re-theme.

Jr. Gemini - No change

Gemini - No change

Corkscrew - No change

Wildcat - New color scheme

Mine Ride - Lower the height limit to 46"

Blue Streak - No change

deeganator's avatar

Not many of those sound like small improvements...

Fog and effects are doable, but I seriously doubt they'd make major track changes to any of the rides, aside from retracking parts of Mean Streak or painting some of the coasters that are looking shabby.

ChrisC.'s avatar

I really like your ideas for Top Thrill and Maverick. None of these will happen but pretty cool nonetheless.

What needs to happen is Mean Streak needs new trains and a major re-tracking. Or they should just tear it down.

It would be nice if Mantis was a sit down floorless coaster, it would add thrill and comfort to the ride, however not really realistic.

Last edited by ChrisC.,

Gemini - some good TLC! I didn't realize it until C4K event. After 40 laps, I couldn't believe how much of an a$$ kicking it was! I was grateful when the final lap #92 came! :)

Mean Streak - don't call the fire department next time!:)

I do agree they need to rethink the height requirements on a few. Sad that Iron Dragon has a 46" req when Big Bad Wolf was 42"!

Wicked Twister - pump up the speed so the train hits the stops on each end.

Magnum - bring back the longer seatbelts.

Fix Magnums seat belts, similar to Mean Streaks (retractable). Kind of painful with the big square buckle right in the middle of your stomach. You hit the buckle pinched inbetween you and the lap bar on the air time hills. At least for me anyway.

Retrack Mean Streak and new trains, not a fancy expensive retrack like Texas Giant, but a little more than what they have been doing.

Gemini has gotten rough lately, most times I have been on it majority of the people are complaining about being slammed around so much.

Nothing will be done to Mantis until ridership drops off so much that maintenance becomes pointless, no retrack just gone.

Redo Mine Ride trains to accomodate 42-46" range.

Kevinj's avatar

Iron Dragon - bring back the old paint job

I had a casual conversation with an old board member this month, and he mentioned as an aside that in the original plan, ID was designed to have only one, larger lift hill and a significantly more intense ride. Story was that the plan got scrapped due to a certain boss insisting, for some reason, on two lift hills.

How cool would that be right now?

Then again, it makes a fantastic family coaster...but I agree with the paint job. It's the McDragon.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

CPcyclone said:
Wicked Twister - No Change

No change? How about they add another train? It would really help with capacity.

coolkid's avatar

Blue Streak: Re programmed proxy sensors in that station. It parks way to slow and waits to long to enter the station. The ride has been amazing for the past 2 years though.

Cedar Creek Mine Ride: Individual lap bars would help a great amount with capacity. It could also use an update on those proxy sensors. It seems like both Blue Streak and CCMR had its sensors done by the same engineer.

WildCat: Since the crew is amazing this year, capacity isn't as bad as the past. But it could use one of those dual loading things like Maverick has, that would help capacity a bit.

Corkscrew: Maybe some retractable seat belts and automatic release on the restraints. This would probably end the stacking.

Jr Gemini and Woodstock Xpress: Get rid of those horrible seat belts!

Iron Dragon: Its third train back. And maybe some padding for those seats. I swear that it used to have padding but I might have a fuzzy memory about that.

Magnum Xl 200: The ride is great in my opinion. Retractable seat-belts would be good for that ride though.

Mean Streak: Gravity Group overhaul.

Disaster Transport: Either make it a roller coaster in the dark, keep the lights on, or have a theme that makes somewhat sense.

Last edited by coolkid,

@firefox15--I lol'd...

Millie--Bring green train out of the lake ;)

As for improvements, just the theming back for rides that had it. I would love to see maggie spew fog from the last hill before the safety brakes, or maverick have the RR Xing signs lit up & the strobes in the tunnel, ect...Or the original theming from the original CGI POV before Maverick came into existence (look here after 5:20)

I'm happy and content with what's offered here so far. Every type of feeling or sensation or pleasure you can get from a coaster the park has (speed, airtime, inversions, ect.) it's all there...I just want a new GCI woodie with millie fliers, or a Gravity group w/ timberliners, a flying coaster, or a dive machine some point in the future

Let's see...

Blue Streak: Restore trains back to their 1994 condition. Change brake timing to allow the train to park faster, park second train closer to loading area, allow second train to enter station as soon as first train gets onto the transfer table.

Mine Ride: Fix brake timing to allow trains to park faster, possibly use magnetic trims. Fix seat cushions so that they are people-friendly; even better, go back to the upholstered seats. Adjust lap bars so that they are consistent. Those changes would probably eliminate the stacking that now makes it impossible to run three trains.

Wildcat: Convert final braking to a magnetic trim for smoother, more reliable braking.

Corkscrew: Update trains to automatic restraint operation. Better still, eliminate the safety belt.

Gemini: Improve platform gate operation, fix exit gates so that people can actually use them, eliminate seat belts (or at least go back to visual belt and bar checks) and bring back the other two trains. It may never be necessary to run more than four trains, but there are times when that ride should be able to run three on one track.

Jr. Gemini: Not sure about that one; haven't ridden it in years...

Disaster Transport: First, make up their mind what they want the ride to be. No...first, fix the damn roof so the ride can actually run in the rain!

Iron Dragon: Somebody figure out what the big difference is between the wheel sets on the coaster at Kings Island and Iron Dragon, and figure out if it would make a difference...

Magnum XL-200: Fix the seat belts. Somehow they've become really short in recent years...

Mean Streak: Major train overhaul. If we can't get Gravity Group to reprofile, remove the first drop trims, and install a set of Timberliners, can we at least remove the first drop trims and put padded seats without headrests in the train?

Raptor: Maybe they could fix that last curve uptrack of the station...

Woodstock Express: Those seat belt buckles are pointless, are a direct violation of ASTM F 2291-11: and, and have got to go. I could suggest an alternative except that for the moment the product isn't developed yet. At the very least, they should put a "lap bar lock" pushbutton at the uptrack end of the station to eliminate two of the operator's walks down the platform.

Millennium Force: Modify the outboard end of the seat belt so that the buckle is held in position so that the belt can be fastened with only one hand. Update the lap bars to the style used on Top Thrill Dragster.

Wicked Twister: Fix the safety belts to the way it was three years ago back when I was actually able to ride even though I was 10 pounds heavier. Better still, switch to a more traditional crotch belt so that the shoulder bar position is less critical. Even better, switch to a Maverick-style lap bar and shoulder harness. Because of the face-down dangle, they can keep the shoulder harness on this one.

Top Thrill Dragster: Improve capacity and reliability. I'm sure if they knew how to do that they'd have done it by now.

Maverick: Remove the shoulder bars from all seats and go with the otherwise excellent lap bar design already in place.

I think that's all of 'em!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

RideMan said:
Let's see...

Blue Streak: Restore trains back to their 1994 condition. Change brake timing to allow the train to park faster, park second train closer to loading area, allow second train to enter station as soon as first train gets onto the transfer table.

Mine Ride: Fix brake timing to allow trains to park faster, possibly use magnetic trims. Fix seat cushions so that they are people-friendly; even better, go back to the upholstered seats. Adjust lap bars so that they are consistent. Those changes would probably eliminate the stacking that now makes it impossible to run three trains.

Wildcat: Convert final braking to a magnetic trim for smoother, more reliable braking.

Corkscrew: Update trains to automatic restraint operation. Better still, eliminate the safety belt.

Gemini: Improve platform gate operation, fix exit gates so that people can actually use them, eliminate seat belts (or at least go back to visual belt and bar checks) and bring back the other two trains. It may never be necessary to run more than four trains, but there are times when that ride should be able to run three on one track.

Jr. Gemini: Not sure about that one; haven't ridden it in years...

Disaster Transport: First, make up their mind what they want the ride to be. No...first, fix the damn roof so the ride can actually run in the rain!

Iron Dragon: Somebody figure out what the big difference is between the wheel sets on the coaster at Kings Island and Iron Dragon, and figure out if it would make a difference...

Magnum XL-200: Fix the seat belts. Somehow they've become really short in recent years...

Mean Streak: Major train overhaul. If we can't get Gravity Group to reprofile, remove the first drop trims, and install a set of Timberliners, can we at least remove the first drop trims and put padded seats without headrests in the train?

Raptor: Maybe they could fix that last curve uptrack of the station...

Woodstock Express: Those seat belt buckles are pointless, are a direct violation of ASTM F 2291-11: and, and have got to go. I could suggest an alternative except that for the moment the product isn't developed yet. At the very least, they should put a "lap bar lock" pushbutton at the uptrack end of the station to eliminate two of the operator's walks down the platform.

Millennium Force: Modify the outboard end of the seat belt so that the buckle is held in position so that the belt can be fastened with only one hand. Update the lap bars to the style used on Top Thrill Dragster.

Wicked Twister: Fix the safety belts to the way it was three years ago back when I was actually able to ride even though I was 10 pounds heavier. Better still, switch to a more traditional crotch belt so that the shoulder bar position is less critical. Even better, switch to a Maverick-style lap bar and shoulder harness. Because of the face-down dangle, they can keep the shoulder harness on this one.

Top Thrill Dragster: Improve capacity and reliability. I'm sure if they knew how to do that they'd have done it by now.

Maverick: Remove the shoulder bars from all seats and go with the otherwise excellent lap bar design already in place.

I think that's all of 'em!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


bholcomb's avatar

Mean Streak - Burn it down

Magnum XL-200 - Longer Seat Belts

Millennium Force - Actually add some G forces, somehow...

Disaster Transport - Tear it down

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Dave I'm sure the people at Sharktank would love your idea. ;)

Let's Get Weird.

A couple of my big wishes for improvement are:

*Magnum XL 200 - Bring back the tunnel effects to the way they were opening year, it made the ride even more special, particularly at night. It would also help if they could figure out a better solution for the ride operators instead of having them standing behind poles on the load side.

*Corkscrew - If the ride is staying for the foreseeable future, why not update it with automatic locking system and new trains (Vekoma ala Carolina Cobra) that do not require the silly seatbelt. I would also kindly request that the trains be returned to their original glory with the correct graphics on the lead car and along the side.

*Iron Dragon - Repaint original color and bring back 3rd train.

*Top Thrill Dragster - From its opening season people have commented that it would be great if the maintenance wall blocking the queue from seeing the launch zone would be lowered. I personally also miss the theming to each train but that is a pipedream for ever returning.

*Cedar Creek Mine Ride - I still consider this to be one of the best mine ride themed coasters out there. Please Cedar Point, show it some love! It is time for new trains with individual, auto-locking restraints. The new safety/blocking system is a MESS and needs rethought. Finally, give it some well deserved theming (ie. tunnels, animatronics, etc.) It has the potential to be an awesome "re-born" attraction for the entire FAMILY with just a little bit of love!!!!

*Mean Streak - Texas Giant treatment....'nuf said.

*Maverick - Tunnel launch would shoot the train up into a zero G roll before diving down to the lake turn. Fix whatever the issues are in the tunnel for the special effects to work. Disney and Universal can make these things happen, certainly the talented folks in Cedar Fair maintenance/P+D can too.

For anyone at Cedar Fair who may be reading these posts, there is one thing that has changed drastically the past few years; the park has grown silent from a sound and visual perspective. What I mean by that is you could walk down a midway and everywhere you look there was a coaster train roaring by. It created a feeling of excitement, wonder and anticipation that you just don't get at other parks. With so many rides losing capacity (operating less trains or ride vehicles) the park, in my opinion, has lost some of the magic of what was "Cedar Point."

A couple come to mind.

TTD - 2000' more track

Millenium - Put in a sound system and crank some tunes for the ride

Wildcat - Replace with a Motorcoaster

Wicked Twister - Build a second one right behind it. Extend the ride cycle and increase capacity. Launch them in opposite directions

Mantis - Floorless trains

Maverick - Do something about the restraints so your neck doesn't pinball off them

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

Gemini: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Magnum: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Corkscrew: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Raptor: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mean Streak: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mantis: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mine Ride: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Iron Dragon: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.

Disaster Transport: Paint a giant mural of Rick Moranis inside, rename it the 'Spaceballs Experience'. Watch ridership numbers soar.

Last edited by We-o-we-oooo,

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

^ Are you joking? Why would you get rid of the, as you so gracefully put it, #$%! rider storage bins? How does that make any sense? Do you really want to pay for a locker every single time you want to ride? In fact, I wish that it was somehow configured that TTD and MF had the storage bins too. It would make things so much easier and cheaper.

Anyway, mine is mostly paint and retheming. Not necessarily retheming, but updating. I want to see the caricatures of each ride at the entrance like they used to in the 90s.

Blue Streak: Increase the ride experience by not having the slowest and worst proxies ever.

CCMR: Make it so that people over 5' 8" can ride. I"m only 5' 11" but I could barely fit into the thing.

DT: Either trash it or remove the tin can so that people can see what garbage it is, and then trash it. There is way too much go into that thing as far as mechanics and upkeep are concerned. If it rains, its not like the stupid thing can run, because of the holes in the freaking roof!

MF: Complete paint and add some good airtime hills. Its an amazing ride, but it just needs that ooomph that really gets it above SROS and others.

TTD: Yeah, I'd like for it to do SOMETHING than just go over the top. If it were even plausible for it to go to MF Island and back that would be sweet.

Iron Dragon: Get rid of the Mickey D's look. We get that on the way in to the park from the actual restaurant. Paint it black and red or gray. Lets try to repaint the trains or something so they actually look cool.

Mantis: Paint it black and red with yellow mixed in. Replace the purple with the black.

Raptor: Final curve into the station. My only complaint to an otherwise flawless inverted.

Maverick: Shoulder restraints and find some way to fit the damed heartline roll into the design. It was supposed to be there, make it happen. Oh! and the theming. Lets go already! Make it feel like a western ride. The queue was great. Now for the ride.

Corkscrew: Update the trains, find some way to make it smoother and repaint the sucker.

WildCat: Replace it with a compact coaster with high capacity that has a reliable braking system.

Wicked Twister: Double the cycle time.

Mean Streak: Burn baby Burn! And add a giant flat ride and/or coaster in its place. Call it the Phoenix if you want to.

Magnum: Make it so my lap doesn't hurt by the end of the ride and put the fog back in the tunnels. I want my night rides to be legendary and not meh.

Gemini: You're perfect.

Jr Gemini and Woodstock: What anybody else said about it. Those seatbelts on WE are awful.

And generally make each area have a theme or at least make sure that it runs together. Giant Wheel needs LED lights like WindSeeka. The Coliseum needs to be repainted and have anti-bird spikes on the top. And lets make this park actually fun instead of it being the bland shell of its former glories.

We-o-we-oooo said:
Gemini: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Magnum: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Corkscrew: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Raptor: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mean Streak: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mantis: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Mine Ride: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.
Iron Dragon: Remove the #$%! rider storage bins.

Disaster Transport: Paint a giant mural of Rick Moranis inside, rename it the 'Spaceballs Experience'. Watch ridership numbers soar.

I think someone enjoys paying for lockers.......

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

I don’t have a use for lockers as I don’t carry unnecessary things around with me. The bins were added in response to people whining about the Naziesque loose article policy. The problem is once people realized there were storage bins for their bong sized TTD cups and basketballs, they started carrying giant stuffed Spongebobs, backpacks and other useless junk onto every ride. Previously if you had the aforementioned items you could either leave it with a non rider or choose not to ride.

The park created a problem then came up with a solution that does nothing but exacerbate the same problem. The ride platforms weren’t designed for this running about advancing behavior; i.e. 20+ people putting Domos in a box and taking off their shoes in the same 4 sq. ft. of space as another 20+ people taking Domos out of a box and putting on their shoes.

Gemini: Bring back the dual entrances. I'm pro choice.

Last edited by We-o-we-oooo,

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

fastdawg07 said:

Call it the Phoenix if you want to.


My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

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