If you could change MF

If you could change MF in any way (before it was built). What would you change and why?? *** This post was edited by milleniumdude on 3/2/00. ***
YOu cant change Cedar Point. Cedar Point is the best there is.
i would put more hills in it because if you think about it there is not much to the millennium force its two hills and a coulple huge turns but its just awsome the way it is so i guess its fine the way it is and plus cedar point prob couldent aford any more added to the track it cost to much already

let me off here!

visit my site www.angelfire.com/punk/rollercoaster1
wow!!! run-on sentence warning!!! i'm out of breath just reading that...dude, take a breath!!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Now darn it! The ride hasn't even been fully tested and you're already talking about things you would change! Come on! I think some of us need to get this coaster off out minds for a while. You can't go changing things that aren't even done.

All hail Millennium Force, god of all coasters!
Jeff's avatar
It's baffling how hard people are on a ride that isn't even complete. And the cup is half empty...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Like I have said many times before on the topis of "bunny hills" Wait until it is complete and quitchabichen. Why do you want to change a roller coaster that is not complete. Would you ride the thing first then after you do then bring this topic back up but until then stop hatin

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
... and like I've said before too...

Some people are just never happy!!

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000

I would have made MF the worlds first wooden, looping, standup, inverted coaster. LOL :) *** This post was edited by RPMGuitar on 3/1/00. ***

I would change the release date on MF to March 1.
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
You knowm if I worked for Inatmin or CP and stumbled on this thread, I would be hurt to see how pople want to change this good looking ride that I spent $24 million on! InN 72 days you're opinions will be just.

Can you chase The Raptor?
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
72 days till "The Force
OKay... this is too amusing. You people haven't even ridden MF yet an already degrading a ride that no one has riden. You can't please everybody and that is quite apparent.
lol at RPM....im waiting untill i ride it before i would try to change it....

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
Hmmmm, the location of it...I'd rather have the thing in my subdivision...I mean it would be fun for partys and a great conversational piece..how many other subdivisions out there have a 300 ft coaster.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Aren't there three big hills, the third one called the magnum hill?? I was just curious! I'm so excited for MF!! My best friend and I were hired as ride ops for it!! Hope to see you there!!!!
We have yet to even ride Millennium Force. Yet your already thinking of ways it could be better. It could be the best coaster ever and great all the way through. Maybe we should but this post off until we actually have a chance to ride it and talk from experience. :)

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