If I were GM

Just got back from our annual "big trip" for the summer---four days and three nights never leaving the sanctity of the Amazement Park. We had a great time, as we always do, and I'll post a TR shortly. However, there were a few things I noticed during this visit that, if I were the GM, I'd do differently.

* The cabanas in Soak City need to be much better advertised. They are a nice service---you get plenty of space, shade in a park utterly without any, and tableside service in a park with woeful food stands. We rented one on a Saturday in July, and fewer than half were taken---that's abysmal for the day that is supposed to be peak attendance. I have to believe given the hotel occupancy rates (at >$200 per night) that there are enough folks out there who would be willing to plunk down $75 for a cabana's amenities, but unless you've scoured the web site, how would you know they are there? Every guest booking a stay on-point should have a flyer advertising the cabanas inserted into their confirmation letter. These are the people who are going to spend the $ to splurge.

* Change the cabana charge slips to allow people to add an additional tip beyond the already-included 15%. Our server had a few hiccups, but took very good care of us. I wanted to tip higher, but had no cash with which to do so, and the charge slip that I signed didn't allow for it. Not all servers will be as diligent as ours was, and if there is no way to further reward excellent service, there is no carrot.

* The Joe Cool discounts need to be better advertised. Again, they can be found on the web site, but almost nowhere else. Again, a simple flyer with a season pass would suffice. For example, the Breakwater Cafe 25% deal (which is great, BTW) is clearly meant to move people back there for meals, but the place is still dead with the exception of the breakfast rush, and even that pales in comparison to the zoo that is the Hotel Breakers breakfast buffet.

* Add shade to Soak City. Plant trees. Put up shade canopies. Do *something*. The new Splash zone has done this---there are several shady spots over there between trees they retained and canopies they installed. Do this everywhere.

* The order filling process at counter service food stands is broken. It works fine when they are not busy, but when they are busy, it invariably loses orders. The employee at the register shouts orders back, the employee(s) in the back try to assemble them. Invaraibly, orders are taken faster than they are filled, and things are forgotten. Sometimes a register slip is used to communicate the order, but not always. For a much better (and seemingly more efficient) alternative, see Coasters. They don't typically lose or mis-assemble orders, because there is automatic communication from the registers to the line.

* The counter service stands are also way too slow, and we've just about given up on them out of frustration. It seems to take between 5 and 10 minutes at some stands to complete each order, and that's just not acceptable. Even compared to other amusement parks, CP's counters are slow. We don't mind the prices if the stands are convenient, but they are not. It's often almost as easy to walk back to our cabin and make sandwiches as it is to wait in an interminable line for chicken strips. I'm not sure why they are so slow. Many stands seem to make food only when you order it, and not before. I realize this reduces waste (since fried things you make but don't sell quickly have to be tossed) but I suspect it is penny wise and pound foolish.

* Figure out a way to encourage "front line" ride hosts to engage guests more frequently. Some of the best times I have are in conversations with employees (or watching them talk to my kids.) But, for example, the entrance hosts are pretty hit or miss. I don't expect a big conversation, but even eye contact and the occasional smile would be nice. I understand why---it's not an exciting or well-paid job. But, do some of the things that e.g. Holiday World does to reward hosts that go the extra step to engage guests and make them feel special, and it will pay dividends. Don't get me wrong---the customer service at the park is fine. But, it could be better. For comparison, something is being done well this season at Johnny Rockets and Midway Market---we've had consistently good service at both. Not necessarily flawless service, but when there is a mistake, it is quickly and graciously corrected by servers who are attentive, pleasant, and engaging.

Dude people are going to mess up. it part of life. And i know there are try to make it the best park they can, i mean it has been voted best park in the world. *** Edited 7/12/2004 8:53:25 PM UTC by thepoint4life23***

thepoint4life23 said:
Dude people are going to mess up. it part of live. And i know there are try to make it the best park they can i mean it has been voted best park in the world.

There should be some kind of museum here for classic comments. Can you get on that Jeff? This should be engraved in gold.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

thepoint4life23 : I understand that, and none of this is due to individual employees---I'm commenting on processes, not people. The people are great. *** Edited 7/12/2004 8:59:24 PM UTC by Brian Noble***
Just a question: Are the Soak City Cabanas similar to the new Cabanas at Mich. Adv.? Why do the Soak City Cabanas cost more?

"Coasters are life"-Userx

This is a darn good post. I couldn't agree more with everything you said there.
This a CP's Cabanas: http://cedarpoint.com/public/inside_park/soak_city/attractions/cabanas.cfm *** Edited 7/12/2004 10:56:06 PM UTC by shaggszgn***


Top 5 woodies: 1. Voyage (Holiday World) 2. Legend (Holiday World) 3. Beast (Kings Island) 4. Lighting Racers (Hershey Park) 5. Raven (Holiday World)

And they are about 50 bucks for an afternoon. So now who is "stupid"?

"Smart" guests would not waste their money on such things. Waterpark=Sun & Fun. Why would you want to shield yourself from that?


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

MrScott, what about the "stupid people's" parents who dont want to ride water slides and sit in the sun all day long while their kids are having a great time?

eightdotthree said:
MrScott, what about the "stupid people's" parents who dont want to ride water slides and sit in the sun all day long while their kids are having a great time?

I could'nt agree with you more eightdotthree. As for example, my grandparents often like to come along to amusement parks and water parks and all they do is sit around or go to shops and what not. They are old and don't like rides or coasters. I think a Cabana would be nice for people who don't like the water or just came along to be with their kids while they have a good time.

"Coasters are life"-Userx

I did not refer to ANY individual as "stupid". I was playing off Fastball84's mention of the word.

I guess the Cabanas are going over great, for those that pay for them. I won't. In fact, I have not visited the waterpark side in a couple of years.

I'm happy for those that enjoy them. Peace.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I also agree, but in the same sense, my family and I wouldn't waste our money on the Cabana. Other's would, like stated before, grandparents, hot and tired parents. So I think the Cabana's are a good idea, and should be advertised more. I've also had food service problems, I guess everyone does sooner or later. I remember ordering a chicken strip combo, and I had to wait for them to cook it, and then I had to politely ask the worker to get my drink three or four times. To add to this, I had to tell him what kind of drink to get about another couple times. But, that was just the individual workers' fault, and nothing can be done there. He looked lost and confused! So nothing CP can really do there.


Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

I also agree with you eagle. I have had many food problems with CP food stands such as bad customer service and long wait times for food.

"Coasters are life"-Userx

Yes, there IS something Cedar Fair "can do here".

Cedar Point sets the "bar" when it comes to customer enjoyment while spending time on their property. I expect nothing less when visiting other CF parks. I EXPECT IT.

If Cedar Fair doesn't care enough to deliver this, maybe they should not have bought the place to begin with. Not just MiAdv, but all properties accquired.

Food service is important. MiAdv fails in this department in a big way. Service and quality suck. And so do places to sit and try and enjoy what they serve as "food".

A "Same Standards" policy needs to be implemented throughout CF (for food service). At least I'd gag less while at my home park.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

It's funny how I went to post my...uh post referring to what someone said, and it ends up being 3 or 4 spots down. This must be a hot topic.


Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

The new Cabanas at Boomerang Bay (PKI) also seem to generally not be completely full. I would think that people would be more willing to pay extra for a cabana at a park that they don't have to pay extra to get in, though. Just my thought.

Coaster Count: 147

Jeff's avatar
It's strange to me what people consider a "waste" of money. When I have been in a position to consume premium or luxury services, I have, and I've enjoyed them. I don't mind paying for better hospitality, as long as it delivers.

I agree about the "quick" service stands. The service sucks as bad as the food does, and it has been that way the last couple of years. In my May visits, the longest lines I waited in weren't for rides, they were food, with not more than two people in front of me.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

They advertise the JCC in the brochures and I think the Family Fun Guide.
If I were GM, I'd be a lot more careful when crossing the Perimeter Road on my way to investigate a catastrophic failure of the Millennium Force lift. :)

Seriously, though, Brian has an important point in there in particular about the food joints. The food joints are broken! I don't think it is just a problem of no pre-prepared food, I think the problem is more systemic than that, and that it comes down to queues that don't work. Service windows are taking orders faster than they can be filled, but when orders are filled, they are filled at the same window where they were taken. In many cases the product is made up by the same person who took the order, who has to fight for space in the joint with every other order taker/cashier on duty. The joint is too small for that kind of operation. I think the grab-joint model needs to be overhauled at many of the joints. The problem isn't the amount of time it takes to prepare an order so much as the time it takes to prepare four or five orders at a time. I don't understand why more of the joints haven't been converted over to the more-efficient queued-order structure, where you place an order, pay for it, then proceed to a pick-up location to collect it.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

JuggaLotus's avatar
I agree with you whole heartedly about the food at MA. There are only 2 places to sit and eat with a table (by Wagon Grill and the Hot Dog Stand). Everywhere else, you have to fight for the limited benches. It took forever in line the other day to get hot dogs, just people moving super slow. Overall, from what I've had, the food quality is so-so. The hot dogs are a bit of a downer (but then again, I'll 3-4 as a meal, not just one) but the funnel cakes are usually pretty good, as are the pretzels.
I wish they would clean up the process though, I mean, the guy working the window had to go back to put fries down when we got our hot dogs and there were lines at both windows. If there are lines (about 4-5 deep on each side) the cook should be doing non-stop fries, just keep dumping them till the lines disappear.

Anyway, enough ranting about the food.

Goodbye MrScott


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