I was thinking about the future of CP and I came up with an idea, Why does CP have two antique car rides? One by Raptor and the Blue Streak and one by Snake River Falls and the Town Hall Museum. I would think that CP would only need one, so I started looking at the land that each ride is located on and came up with this: The area of the Antique cars by Raptor is also with the Sports car ride, so They go good together, two simmilar types of rides. The area by the other Antique car ride is a sizable piece of land. Why not take out that ride and put a nice flat ride in there. Any ideas?
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
*** This post was edited by coast on 7/19/2000. ***
The antique cars ride is something of a landmark - they have been there a long time, and there are people who like the lesiurely rides - remember, CP is not JUST for people who like thrill rides -- Keep in mind, that CP is not just rides - it is atmosphere -- and the antique cars by town hall go with the territory. People who like the lesiurely rides also like the atmospher of frontier town and may be disappointed if it had no antique cars back there. If CP finds a new flat ride that it REALLY REALLY REALLY likes, then I'm sure they could find room for it without removing the cars. I think they look great there.
*** This post was edited by CPAnimal on 7/19/2000. ***
I can see Turnpike Cars going in the near future. Half of the ride was demolished for Raptor and it does sit on a roller coaster sized piece of land. It also has the closed Pirate Ride right across the street.
*Of course recent lines on all three rides would prove me wroung*
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
*** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 7/19/2000. ***
Do you really think another coaster would go in there? (Being between Blue Streak and Raptor.) Three coasters right in a row like that. It just seems weird to me.
The antique cars in Frontier Town were added back there when it (Frontier Town) opened in 1968 because the one's in the front of the park were very popular. From what I have heard, and read the antique cars in the front of the park had huge lines, so the park built another version in Frontier Town.
Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
I should also say that I enjoy the ride becouse its a great way to take a break from the major thrill rides, but I just dont see the sense in having two of these rides. I would also like to say that I'm no expert on guesing the future but it just sounds logical to remove one.
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Yeah, it's all nice and peaceful"...(until some little bastard nails your car from behind)"-as stated by Jeff in the Strategy section of this site.
When I read that, I LMAO!
I didn't say that they would add another coaster where Turnpikes are. I said that they have enough room there to add one. The rides are very popular and I wouldn't count on it any time soon.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Yeah, they could put in a Vekoma Boomerang there!!
Only 2,290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt.
This last weekend, some of the longest lines were for the antique car rides on the midway and on frontier trail. Remember, there is more to CP than just coasters, and part of what keeps the park so special is the attractions for all people of all ages.
We are back
I would not take out the antique cars for any reason. The landscape around both of them is beautiful. We need to preserve as many trees at CP as possible. When I was a kid, the antique cars were my favorite ride.
I enjoy both the coasters and the gentle rides. Keep both of 'em.
Both the Antique Cars and the Cadillac Cars (on the Midway), as well as the Turnpike Cars (by Calypso) have another feature: they are the only 3 rides inside the park -- this is not counting Challenge Park -- that the riders themselves control. For a coaster or a circular ride, you're just strapped in and away you go. The cars really give the little kids a thrill -- they're really driving. The Swan Boats do this too, but are a lot harder to propel.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
CP will not remove these rides. It is an amusement park and not just roller coaster land. CP has to appeal to the GP which is families with kids. Lets face it, not everyone likes roller coasters (blasphemy I know). Alot of people I talk to at work about MF think a 300ft drop is nuts and would never ride it. They go there to have fun with their family. Thats whats great about CP. It has fantastic coasters but still has a family atmosphere. Not many parks are like that! They will find room elsewhere for more coasters.
Very true, CP Twister! I wholeheartedly agree. That is something I have always admired about Cedar Point, that they are so family-oriented. It is great that there really is an amusement park that everyone can have fun at, no matter what their age, height, or what they like to do.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
WOW, I'm not trying to say that all the rides at CP should be thrill rides, I like some little rides better that coasters! Im just looking for future room for expansion.
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Right now, Cedar Point has a great mix of rides for the family and rides for the hardcore coaster riders. In my honest opinion, actually, I think they need a little bit more family rides or flat rides to even it up better.
A friend of mine said to me, "Everywhere you look, coaster." I happily said, "Yeah! I know!", but then he asked, "Where's the normal rides?"
Keep the cars and whatnot. Heck, get some more. CP's got the room ;)
Actually there's 3.
Live for FUN!
Good point, Lynch -- they could use a few more small rides to even out the mix away from the huge coasters. While the coasters bring a lot of groups and so forth, I've often wondered what it would be like trying to vacation there with a smaller child (I have none) -- my husband and I both like the coasters, so what do we do with the kid? The parent swap policy is great, but what rides can they go on when they're in that stage of too-big-for-kiddieland but too-small-for-most-coasters? More circular or other tradtional rides (maybe a funhouse) would be great!
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
I think someone is forgetting the two sets of Dodge'm cars and the Swans. =)