I cannot wait for my CP adventure!!!

Hi there!

I cannot wait to get up to Cedar Point. I have not been there for about 7 or 8 years now. I have gone to King's Island for the past few years, as it is closer to me geographically, but seeing the love and genuine enthusiasm people seem to have for the park, I decided to make the trip up this year.

A couple of questions though:

1. Is there any kind of nightlife for people 25-28 years old?

2. What about food outside of the part after it closes? Are there any 24-hour a day places?

3. I will be up there on June 15-18, what is the weather forecast looking like?

Thanx for having such an amazing site! Keep up the good word, and I will let you all know how my trip went!

With all the love there ever was......
David M. Driskell
Well, Nightlife is something Cedar Point has never really had. As far as 24 hour restaurants go, check out Steak and Shake on Rt. 250 (near Great Bear Lodge), and there is a place called Dianna's Deli on Rt. 250 that also is open 24 hours and is very good. As far as I know, weather forecasts are looking pretty cool for awhile. Check: weather.com and put in zip code 44870
I can help you out with the weather part here--go to:
check this site daily for the weather info.Im going the 18th also and I hope the weather will be good!:)

I Love Millennium Force!:)

Oh man,forget that last post i put,the linq isnt going were I thought it would.
just go to www.weather.com and check for sandusky.Hope I helped alittle!:)
I Love Millennium Force!:)
WOW! I only posted a few hours ago and already responses! You guys are GREAT! I think PKI has seen the last of my $$$.

With all the love there ever was....
Alright NP2000 Is one of us, Good decision , Nothing compares to CP , Expecially not SOB i Hate that ride !

If practice makes perfect & nobody is perfect why practice ?
Blue Streak Laps: 63~~45 in 1 day *** This post was edited by coastaman89 on 6/3/2001. ***
hey, SOB is a S.O.B heh heh.
I know how you feel. I will be going for my first
time in three weeks! I can hardly contain myself. OOPS, i had a accident:-):-)
Feel the Force! *** This post was edited by Coaster guy2000 on 6/4/2001. ***
You know, PKI is only like 2 hours away from me, but looks like the extra 2 1/2 hours in the car is going to be worth it! Is there a camera policy in the park? All the rides look so beautiful, was thinking of buying a digital cam just for the trip.

With all the love there ever was......
"They say I'm wild and I'm wreckless
I should be acting my age....."
Here is the camera policy:
Feel free to take as many photos as you want, small secured cameras are allowed on all rides EXCEPT Millennium Force. (No photo taking allowed though while riding). The only rides you can take photos on while riding are:
Space Spiral
CP and LE Railroad
Sky Ride
Paddlewheel Excursions

Hope this helps!

Thank you very much!

With all the love there ever was.....
David M. Driskell
Ride of Steel's avatar
45 in one day on Blue Streak coasta? I hit 50 on Monday and didn't start until like 3 pm. You can do better than 45! :oP

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Mine Ride ATL '01
i know it, i did it in about 2 hours with no line at all back in 99 and i bearly get to go to cedar point , only 2 times a year so i didn't wanna waist the whole day on blue streak. Besides i didn't know what to put on my sig. anyway unless you want me to put kraken laps - 138 on a CP site !?

Not all my posts have anger in them CP_bound.
Blue Streak Laps: 63~~45 in 1 day
Wow, is this guy EVER in for a shock if he hasn't been to the Po!nt in that long...whoa :) I get bored at PKI after a ride on OL and Vortex and TG..then slum around the park waiting for a beloved nighttime ride on Beast :P

*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!

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