How Many Times Have You Watched The Video??

I have watched the video atleast 20 times but my computer takes a while to load it all the way,I have watched the promo video atleast 100 times,I love the millennium force music.
I've watched the promo and the POV way too many times for my own good.  I can never seem to get enough of the promo video though.  Just thinking about the video gets me excited!
At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I've watched the promo over 50 times, for some reason it freaks me out

i've seen the pov too many times to count

A lap bar is all you need!

Is the promo video that is the computer simulation? The one that shows the real life park skyline by Mantis and PT and it scans over and you see a digitally insterted MF lift hill. It then pans out by the lake and comes inward to see the red train cresting the lift hill and going around the turn.
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
The promo video has a computer simulation in it, but it also has a lot of weird stuff and a person talking; it looks like a TV commercial except I never saw it on TV (it was before some movies in the theater though.)
Jeff's avatar
Download it all you want now from this site. I've got a great big porn, er, I mean, bandwidth pipe.

Regarding saving QuickTime video, if you buy the pro version you can use the little menu to save it, though this might be something you can now defeat (haven't really looked). Otherwise, if you look in your browser cache (the temporary files from the settings) you can just copy the file out to where ever you want after you've downloaded it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!

lol.... hmmm porn pipe?
"This is better than orgasm." ~Effie, Road Rules 2 on MTV

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