How long will you wait?

We all are aware of the predictions of an extremely long line for the Force (which I think is not true), but just how long are you willing to waitin line to ride Millennium Force? What's your personal limit?

"He's so cool, that flyguydee!"
I 've waited three hours for a ride before. It was Outer Limits at PKI and I chickened out once I actually saw it take off so I guess I really don't have a limit, I'll wait all day.
Hey most of us have been wainting almost a year, a few more hours is not going to be bad.
I'll wait all gosh darn morning!!!

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
I waited 4 hours for my first ride on Mean Streak, and I think that'll be worth it for the Force...but I don't think it'll be nearly that long. First of all, I'm going on a Tuesday, in middle May. Second, there are 3 more roller coasters than were there for MS's opening. Also, there are going to be a LOT of people who will ride Magnum and MS, but will be too scared to ride MF. When I get to the park, I'm getting in line for Magnum first...sort of a warm-up. Then I'll head over to the Force and wait until I get on!

Ill wait basicly all morning...about....4-5 hours. Which opening day, in the morn I dont expect the line to be any longer then 1 hour by the time we get to the force (since we are running and getting there REAL early).

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
I too waited 3 hours for Outer Limits and I wasn't nearly as excited to go on that as I am to go one MF. I'll waite as long as it takes. I'm going on the first monday of the season so I hope I won't have to wait too long. Cedar Point lines are usually filled with lots of beautiful girls anyways, so its not a big deal. :)

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
Why wait? Just go on a slower day after all the hoopla of everyone wanting to ride it before anyone else? There will be days in May where you probably won't have to wait more then 15-30 minutes.
When I went on Outer Limits I waited 4 hours to ride and the only thing it gave me was a headache and another reason why Cedar Point is the best.:)
I'm going to CoasterMania, so at 7:00 I don't think there will be a great many people there in line for MF. Raptor and MF are open at the same time, so I imagine most people will head for Raptor first (it being so close to the gate and not a bad warm up). But I hope the line is under an hour. I don't care though, I will wait as long as it takes!
Jeff's avatar
Don't bet on it... you're dealing with coaster enthusiasts, most of which have probably been on Raptor before. I expect Raptor will have short lines for the ERT event.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Basically, keep the food and beer coming while in line. Also add port-a-potties throughout the line que and I will stay in line all day if that is what it takes.
I don't care but all I know is that I am riding it ASAP
I'll wait 3 hours at most.

Beyond that, it's not worth it.
I'll wait 2 1/2 hours for MF since its new and hyped. FOr any other coaster 1 1/2 hour will do it for me

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
19 days until The Force
Hmm...waited over an hour for the Riverside Cyclone in 1983, the 1st year of operation..mostly due to the RIDICULOUS excess of restraints.

Waited an hour for SPIDERMAN at IOA and INDIANA JONES at Disneyland (though not coasters both TOTALLY worth the time in line.)

WASTED an hour for Volcano....not worth more than 15 minutes..ditto for Outer Limits:Flights of PAIN!

MF? Hmm..I would say an hour..same for Magnum, Raptor.

CP Live Shows 1986-90, 2000!!
Ahhh! Volcano, another Intamin master piece. Anyway, I am leaning towards five minutes, but ten will be good too. :)

I will not wait over a hour no matter how great a ride is. FYI, expect an extra half hour (or more) if those boarding pass' are back!

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Ahhh, I leave town for 4 days and a subject that I've been wanting to bring up appears. Sorry to join the party so late.

I refuse to wait more than an hour for ANY ride. I'm a huge coaster/park fan but it just gets to the point of being ridiculous after so long.

I'm wondering exactly when you guys go to CP to see lines like this? Our annual trek to CP takes place on the 2nd or 3rd week of July and we show up Sunday night and stay 2 to 4 days depending on our schedule. I've never had to wait for any ride (even magnum and raptor) for more than an hour. I have seen lines like that for Mean Streak but we usually hit it very early to avoid the lines and 2 rides is more than enough.

I see people predicting multi-hour waits for MF yet in 1996 when Mantis opened we were there at our usual mid-July time and never waited more than 30 minutes the whole trip to ride it. Granted MF is on a totally different scale, but if I have to wait more than an hour, I'll simply walk away and enjoy the shorter lines. The MF queue has to die down sometime....
That is becouse you are smart and go on the weekdays. July is usually not that bad, either.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Jeff's avatar
Assuming people aren't dumb enough to make a line longer than two hours, it is improbable that the line would ever exceed two hours. Think about the total park capacity (in rides) and consider there will also be people eating, watching shows and walking the midways. There really shouldn't be more than 3,200 people in the queue.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

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