how bad is Physics Day. Really.

we are going to be there that day and we really don't have the option of changing days, as the 5 hour drive makes it impossible. how bad are the crowds on Physics Day? would you HONESTLY reccommend us leaving that morning? we may be ready to go home anyhow, but still..just in case...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Hey Servo,
I have seen the crowds and they really are not that bad as long as you can tolerate groups of kids trying to do their "class work" on any flat surface they can find. Most of these groups arrive between 10a.m. & 11a.m. and leave around 6p.m. the students have a detailed "test" which they need to complete before they enjoy the park. This work is done watching and in some cases riding the rides and then applying the classroom knowledge to the problems to find the correct solution.
I am sure RIDEMAN, could make enough money "tutoring" on the Midway that day to pay for his trips to the park for the season!
it isn't bad at all.. actually i have observed that many regulars avoid physics day due to the kids, This makes the lines shorter... it isn't bad. Just bring your patience for a bunch of high school kids.

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
I was under the impression that almost any day in the early season is "Physics Day". And I have done some tutoring on the midway, but I haven't charged for it. After all, most of those students* have no idea whether they can believe me or not!

* Working at a University, I have come to detest the use of the word "kids" for referring to students bayond thge Elementary grades...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Dave is right, any time in early May is a Physics day. The cool thing is that it as the day goes on the shorter the crowds get becasue the classes have to back to school.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Ohh, you could get a copy of one of the papers that they have to fill out for each ride and sell the kids the answers.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
The other problem early in the season is that they make some operational changes. First of all, most of the beer taps are closed for the day; second, because of the various behavioral problems with some of the school groups, on the big group weekdays in the Spring, they usually try to cut down on the vandalism by closing the Pira--

Oh. That's right, I almost forgot. Forget that last bit.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
What day is Physics Day Anyway?

used to be known as Basketball_guy_17 *** This post was edited by Cedar Creek Mine Ride on 4/5/2000. ***
I called May 18th the official physics day because that is how CP is promoting it. For all info check:
Physics day formula:


(Lots o' high School Students + No Beer = No Me on May 18.)

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
No beer on that day jonC? Well, definitely forget going that day.
I think you can get beer on that day, but you cannot get it from the walk-up'll have to go back to one of the saloons or restaurants instead.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I accidentally went on that day once. It could have been a staffing problem, but the only beer I found was outside the park (Breakers, Sandcastle etc.)
If it's anything like SFGam, lines are decently long for anything that is tested on.
so "no TV and no beer make jonc...something something..."

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"

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