How bad is physics day, really?

People on this board have said that Physics Day is one of the most crowded days of the year. My physics teacher said that he didn't think the lines were "really that long" on physics day. Is physics day considered crowded only compared to other weekdays in May, or is it one of the most crowded days, period?


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
I think it's busy because of the kids. There is a lot of schools that go to Physics Day, so that means students, and lots of them! I could be wrong, correct me if I am.

-Eric *** This post was edited by eric on 4/28/2001. ***
Physics Day or should I say the "many physics day's" as it seems there are, they aren't that bad but some of the teachers get kind of mouthy. Just a note to those of you that will be particapating in physics day, the students ARE NOT ALLOWED to take or hold their measuring tools on the big costers UNLESS they are IN A BAG. We had many problems with students and espically teachers last year that would not abide by the rules that CP has set for that day. The students are not allowed to hold the measuring tools on the big costers for safety reasons because if one of those protractors or pipe things that they carry flys loose from the student others can get hurt. So please obay the rules if you'll be part of Physics day this year it's eaiser on all of us.

Magnum crew 00'
Hope It's Nearly As Bad As October 14, 2000...Yikes....What A Nightmare :)

I'd call it more "busy compared to other days in May" but it certainly isn't nearly anything as bad as July 4th or most of August. Really, unless you're looking all that much, you don't notice, because around that time of season all sorts of school trips are going on. The only reason you notice that it's Physics Day is that all the kids are doing work and carrying notebooks/calculators/equipment, rather than just riding!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
;)Pipe things are called accelorometers. They measure g force. Imagine getting hit with 94 m.p.h accelorometers
My Physics teacher has not received any info for Physics day this year. Who should I let him know to contact about it so we can get it set up?
Actually if you look at the day as a whole its not that bad, its only the first half of the day thats pretty bad.

Magnum Count: 1266
I will miss Physics Day thank goodness! I have reservations for May 14th and May 15th. I figure that things should be pretty dead those days but you never know I suppose. Just have to pray for good weather since, as we all know, anything is possible on the Sandusky Bay in mid-May!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Or mid-June, or mid-July, or mid-August... You've got to wonder whose cosmic joke the weather/winds/rain/lightning-without-rain/thunderstorms/monsoons is! :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
WHat day is physics day this year?
I was just gonna ask that Rob. My school is going on the 29 for physics day but is that the real date for it?

RUCKUS Basketball-----#21
My school is going on May 17.


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
I believe May 17 was the date of it last year, so it's probably the same this year.
May 17th? Crap... that's when I am going to be there... ACK.. Well at least they won't be there on May 16th, my first day ever at CP!
Yes, May 17th is it.

Hmmmm.... That is what I thought cause that is what it says at but my teacher said it was the official date! He's dumb though.


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