How are the crowds?

crazy horse's avatar

How are the crowds since they open the new waterpark? I assume(and hope) that the park has been buisy.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I was there last Wed (June 22). Everything was walk on in the main park. Dominator was running with around 5 people per train. Liquid Lighting had about a ten minute wait in the Waterpark. The only wait.

OK. I am going to Geauga Lake on a Sunday in about 3 weeks. I am jus wondering if the park is general was crowded like Cedar Point. I know Cedar Point has more people, but CP has more room. Is X-Flight or any other of the coasters have long waits??? I need to know to have a fun time. THANK YOU

Generally, no, none of the coasters will have a long wait. I'm going this Wednesday and I'll let you know how the crowds are. I go about 5 times each summer so, I know. The longest you may have to wait for a coaster would be, maybe, 10 minutes for X-Flight. But it's not even that usually. I haven't been there since the waterpark opend though, but I can't image too much of a difference. ;)

X-Flight will probably have the longest wait in the park because that has the slowest capacity. The restraining system is so complex it takes forever to load and dispatch. Every day this year, except special event days, have been relatively empty. There are usually walk ons for every coaster. With the new waterpark, it has increased crowds slightly but it is still mostly walk on in the ride section. The waterpark however is somewhat crowded. This first phase is relatively small, so there is not too much room for the crowds to disperse. LL will usually have the longest line which can usually amount to over 30 minutes. Other than that and occasional waits at Thunder Falls, everything should be pretty empty. The few rides on the ride section that will occasionly have lines are the log ride, X-Flight, Dominator, and sometimes the ferris wheel. Differant days though can result in differant waits. The coolest day of the year so far, was the Cleveland Clinic days where the park was packed and X-Flight had up to a 3 hour wait! This is very unusual though.

Thrills Around the Corner!

I just went yesterday (Friday 07/01) and was concerned on the way down... we all went on a whim, and on the way made the realization that it was the Friday kicking off the 4th of July weekend, and were expecting to stand in line all day.

Boy, were we wrong. The park was practically a ghost town. Every coaster was a walk on, with the exception of a 1-train wait on X-Flight. The longest wait we had all day was the new "Dino Island II" 4D Simulation... it was a 5 minute wait.

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

How do you think the lines will on July 4th do you think they will be that long.

ShiveringTim's avatar

I was there this morning/afternoon. Every coaster was a walk-on, including three solo rides on the wooden coasters.

Scott W. Short
- Proud member of the Out-Of-Town Coaster Weirdos

I was there on July second and it was get right on front on Dominator and everything else on the ride side in the morning including X-Flight as the day got went on there was only a two or three train wait. The waterpark was different it was a 45 min wait for liquid lightning and a 15 min wait for the thunder slides.

Ultimate Ride= Expidition G Force
Best US Ride= Millenium Force

You know, this is great. Not really great for Cedar Fair, but for the people that want to go. I went a few years ago when it was SFWoA, and the line for X-Flight was upwards 45 minutes. I only got one ride, and wanted to do it over and over again till my head exploded. Now, I think low crowds is the perfect reason to go this year! Hopefully, I can score a couple laps on Dominator, which was down the day I went.

Well it sounds like the first major addition to the park since Cedar Fair took control is a success at least. Phase 2 of Wildwater Kingdom will come next year and likely draw more guests because of higher capacity at the waterpark and the park will continue to grow over the next few years as well.

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