has anyone else always wondered what it'd be like to live in a house at the end of the causeway or near the point? that would be so awesome. anyone know if the houses or apartments go for more than anywhere else considering there location?
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
I wouldn't want to, because of the CP traffic day in and day out, and because Sandusky doesn't have a whole lot available when CP isn't open. I do know that a lot of the senior management staff lives there, though.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Bryan, what're you talking about? Watch the coasters run!? Why on earth wouldn't you just walk four hundred feet to the opening gate?
I myself wouldn't even consider living that closely to the park. I think an hour drive wouldn't exactly hurt me.... It'd be much calmer, too.
I'm one of those lucky souls who's lived here all my life! Our beach is beautiful and we have a wonderful view of the park across the water from where we are. I can watch the riders on top of the Magnum through my telescope. We know when to avoid the traffic so it isn't too much of a problem. It's funny that I never think too much of having Cedar Point right down the street. Another plus of living here is that I don't have to live in employee housing! If you want to drop by next time you're at the Point, lemme know!