Hotel Breakers Room

OK Befor i reserve a room at the Breakers i need to ask a question. I have been searching other posts and i didnt see the answer to my question so here it is. when they say no view does that mean that there is no view of the lake or does it mean that there is "no view" of anything? Also is the Bon Aire section nice enough for a bunch of teen age girls?

Felt the Force 10 times *** This post was edited by Cedar Point! on 4/24/2001. ***
No View means just no view of the lake. It usually means you get a view of the coasters which could be better. The only thing is that teenagers (like myself sort of) are not allowed to stay at the Point. You must be 21 or older to receive a room, unless you are with an adult :(

Well my mom is going to come with us
Felt the Force 10 times
No view could also be you get a great first-class view of the wall of the next building. The Bon Aire section would be great for your group, I think, since I imagine you won't be spending that much time in the room anyway! The rooms are small, so take that into consideration with how many are going, but they aren't that bad, after all.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Yeah, the old part of the breakers is set up kind of funny were some rooms have a nice view of the next wing. CP Shroeder is sort of the reservations expert here, I'm sure he can help you better as to if the Bon Aire Section has any rooms like this.

First things first...there has to be someone over 21 in every single room! The only exception is if you go through a group coordinator (meaning you need 6 or more rooms) and obtain parental permission slips and liability waivers.

How does lake view differ from non-view? When people ask this, we (hotel people) are instructed to tell them the non-view faces the park or a courtyard. In reality, this could mean a parking lot, or the side of a building as others here have suggested. If you indeed want rooms in the Bon Aire section, I would recommend booking the room (an HR2D) and requesting a "Magnum view". This can keep you from facing the side of the Breakers Tower, but be forewarned that requests are not guaranteed. Another option would be to get the same room with a lake view (the HR2DL), which I believe is about $20 more.

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
you have to have someone over 21 in every single room?!?!?!? I have Checked all over the main site and it just says someone over 21 has to book the room. You probaly are right but what if you get a room connected to one of the other ones?
There are no connecting rooms anywhere on Cedar Point property.

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
Oh ok i didn't know that. well thanks for all your help. Thanks
Felt the Force 10 times
We are getting ready to take trip to CP on May 10th. I think we will be staying at the Breakers. We are getting the package deal plus adding an extra day. There will be 4 of us. We will be visiting the park on Fri and Sat. With the package, we get 2 funday passes. Can we trade them in on "ride and ride"? We will need 4 2-day tickets. Also, I know the Pepsi cans have the coupon, are there any coupons for a 2-dat ticket?
Can't wait!!! I haven't been there since I was a little girl!

No, you can't trade the tickets in, but with the 2 one-day passes that gives you one of your 2-day passes for free, you just use them like normal. I don't know if there are any coupons for the 2-day tickets, though. Have fun! :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

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