honest predictions for 2001

I know its early in the season but as i sit at work during my luch break i was thinking it would be fun to bring up the topic. In reality what do we all think is really going to happen for next year. I truthfully think(and hope) that they reorganize and develop the area around DT. it is by far the weak area in the park, and does little to promote circulation into that area. With a little invest into this area and some small expansion i think it could be a fine region of the park with a litle work. The big draw being a standout ride. i think that this will be the ultimate key. ( a woodie i hope) that is what i predict they will do because i think that is is pretty well know that that is the the weakness of the park(Oceana area, and lack of wooden coasters) thats my opinion, im sure im prob not right but its a guess! :) any other ideas?....
How about a far flung thought:
CP will develop a new resort/golf community on the mainland. Called "Cedar Fairways" it will feature a 500-800 room luxury hotel along with cottages lining the course. There will also be a recreation center/clubhouse with exercise rooms, tennis, saunas, pool, etc. They'll offer a direct shuttle to the CP's gates. A few years later they will expand the resort to offer a mix of entertainment options including bars, nightclubs, national traveling acts, restaurants and entertshopping experiences.
Not exactly what I would hope for! ;)


*** This post was edited by millrace on 6/6/2000. *** *** This post was edited by millrace on 6/6/2000. ***
Here's what we know. Oceana, the old aqaurium (now an arcade) and the coral courtyard are gone for next year. There are also rumors that the old convention center will be gone...and I wouldn't be surprised to see Peanuts Playground gone.

With that, that is a lot of land. Definitely large enough for a serious coaster. At first I thought they would just get a Wild Mouse and maybe a few flat rides, but I have a feeling a major coaster is coming. I know it breaks CP's trend, but other parks are closing in.

I hope they get a Cyclone Woodie, a Woodie similar to Villian, or a LIM looper.
millrace, please validate/verify your statements. It sounds like another unsubstantiated rumor to me.

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
Actually, it's even less then an unsubstantiated rumor. It was a complete fabrication, I guess I should have used a ;). But anyway, my point really is that it wouldn't surprise me to see more development of the resort end of things.

I think it would be a neat idea for the company to expand the resort end of the park, but i agree with net with the thought of CP breaking the two yr rule next yr. With all the hype the park is getting with MF, i wouldnt be suprised if they keep it going with another major attraction next yr. They almost seem like they have too with the competition climbing higher and higher. I cant immagine money being a problem after the revanue they should make this yr. and i hardly doubt they will back down to the competition without a fight :) I expect wel see another coaster next yr. mabye not 310 ft tall......but i have high hopes for 2001.



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