Historical Wildcat Photos...?

I was browsing through the historical pictures of Wildcat. In 1975, It's running parallel to the beach, and then in 1978 it's been moved diagonally beside the parking lot.

Now since Wildcat was built in 1970, was it repainted and moved on the other side of the park, or did Cedar Point have 2 Wildcats at one time?
And why did they keep moving it?
Gemini's avatar
The WildCat that exists today is the second version the park has had. The original WildCat opened in 1970 where the Oceana stadium currently sits. It was replaced and a new WildCat was built in the area now occupied by Disaster Transport in 1979. Then, in 1985, it was moved to it's present location.

As to why they kept moving it, I suspect that the 1980 addition of Oceana and the 1985 addition of Avalanche Run were factors.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 1/29/2001. ***
the other coaster that you saw was the jumbo jet.it had almost the same look as the wild cat.it was located where disaster transport is located today.
No, it's Wildcat. The one taken it 1975 is marked "Beach & Wildcat." while the one taken in 1978 is marked "Wildcat."

Both the Wildcat and the Jumbo Jet had both occupied aprox. the same site at different times.

Get with it or die in the process.....
They were both similar type coasters, both Schwarzkopf's, but different types.

There was one Jumbo Jet.

There have been two Wildcats, the second one the one still there.
The first Wild Cat I believe, was sent to Valleyfair!

Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah, I think it was.
...And it was renamed "The Rails", then removed in 1996, I believe. They replaced it with one of those Mad Mouse clones.

"The KKK took my baby away, took her away, away from me!"
I've often wondered why they didn't bring the new Wildcat for Valleyfair! and leave the old on at CP. Would have been a bit less shuffling around.
O.K. here's the facts. Just read "Gemini's" story...the second post.
I would also guess that they've moved it so much probably because they could...fairly easily. I mean, look at it, it looks like one of those carnival coasters that travel all over the country. It looks fairly easy to tear apart, move, and put back together.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)

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