High Wind

Last October I was on the magnum when it was REALLY windy and I swear that we just made it up the second hill it was nuts! But the MF will have a heck of a lot more speed it it should be ok.

Mean Streak Forever!
1)Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't MF have anti-rollback?
2)Check out Jeff's pictures in the News section about when the MS rolled back.
3)It takes FOREVER for a train to stop rolling on a roll-back. The weight inside the car keeps momentum.
4)Not really on topic but the new Villian at SFO had a rollback on its first run EVER.

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Jeff's avatar
1. Yes, it does.
2. That was a result of over-braking.
3. It depends on the coaster.
4. As do many woodies on their first run.

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