High gas prices to affect Cedar Point?

Do you guys think these high gas prices will affect the park.

If you think about the parks delivery services would be affected by the high gas prices as well as maintenance vehicles and some rides (Raptor, Turnpike cars, Go carts, Antique and Cady cars and Millennium Force). Plus lawn care equipment. Do you guys think this will affect us at all (money wise)?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 6/22/2000. ***
I really don't think that the high prices will affect too much of CP's business this year. We still are living in a strong economy, and folks DO want their vacations! Heck, even if it were $5 a gallon, it will never stop me from coming to CP!

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
i doubt it

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I should have been more clear. Do you think that the gas prices will cause a prices increase for us, as far as park admission and such?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
No, that price is set for the season (even though it's probably written somewhere that it is subject to change) but it's highly unlikely that it will.

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
I doubt that gas prices will cause anyone to cancel their trip to CP. It might reduce some people's in park spending though, and it is almost as important.
Isn't you gas going down? Its droped 20 cents here in MN in the past week. Theres hope.
In the grand ole state of Indiana, the governor has declared an energy emergency, and we don't pay tax on gas anymore.
Good old Michigan. The governor would declare a state of mob rule before that happened!

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Ditto to that in Illinois also. Of course our governor is corrupt anyway so he would probably tack on more taxes to gas.
I guess Jesse Ventura is pissed with the gas prices too, huh Twister.
Well its over 2.00 in Detriot so I just hope it will get cheaper.

Live for FUN!


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