Help an Englishman Please ???

Could any of you fellow Coaster Fans help out and advise a English First-Timer to the USA please ....??

As a Coaster fan here in London, England UK. I have for many years now dreamed of coming over to visit you all and ride some of the excellent coasters there in USA. So i have saved up my cash and am heading over to Ohio end of August, Beginning September, for my first ever visit to America.. As i can only afford to visit one place in USA i new as a Coaster Fan it just had to be Cedar point (dedication for you, 13hours and 4000 miles travelling just to ride Cedar-Points finest) Any help much appreicated..

--- I have 3 days for Coaster riding (1/2/3 Sept) do i spend all 3 days at Cedar-Point, or 2 days at Cedar Point and maybe 1 at Six-Flags Ohio ?? As would like to visit even more Coasters? I plan the first day to use one of this sites Strategies, and relax a bit more 2nd day.
--- How busy will it be that weekend as its a Sat/Sun in September and i now found out the monday is your Holiday "Labor Day" (sorry i am English, what is labor day?) Park closes early i think.
--- Not Coaster related but please help.........? But i am unable to rent a car in the USA due to age and license, i am landing at Cleveland Airport at 7pm Friday night, and need to get to Sandusky somehow? Last Greyhound leaves at 6pm!! Any advice on how i can get from Airport to Hotel in Sandusky? Are there Cabs? if so how much would that long way cost? Also should i wish to go to Six Flags park also, is there any bus/trains that would get me from Sandusky to park and back?
--- What is USA weather like early September? do i pack shorts or coats? lol

Anyway sorry for going on and off the subject a little, but nervous about coming to USA all on my own!! Cant wait to let loose on all those Coasters and rides though, if your about i will be easy to spot as the lost English Tourist !! lol (or "Limey" as i believe you call us, lol) Cant wait to see some of your country either (even if tiny bit)
Thanks for any help or advice,

Lee from London UK
Wow -- lotsa questions there!

1) Given that you have three days, can easily do all of Cedar Point's coasters in two days and are coming from so far away - I'd recommend a day at Six Flags. However, you will see a noticeable difference in customer service and if possible, go to Six Flags first.

2) Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. That's the textbook definition. In reality, it's considered the last weekend of the summer, so yes, parks will be crowded!

3) It's going to be very difficult to get around without a car. I don't know the price of a cab, but I presume it will be over $100 one-way. I also don't know the bus schedule, but from Sandusky to Six Flags, I'm guessing that you'll spend three hours on a bus, even though the trip would be less than half that by car.

4) Typically, the weather in early September is going to be hot. You should be OK with shorts, but it never hurts to throw a jacket or sweatshirt in with your luggage.

Duane Cahill
Cedar Point - One small part of a whole big life.
Could check out Amtrak ( I checked into taking Amtrak to Sandusky a few years ago and at least at that time there was a station stop in Sandusky. Presumably there's a station in Cleveland, too.
You might want to find out when the Sandusky schools start. The day before school starts, the park will probably be pretty crowded. Labor day is a holiday when many people get off work - Cedar Point might be very busy! At many schools, it is the last day of the summer before school starts. It should be pretty warm in the beginning of Sept. If you can find transportation from Cleveland to Sandusky on Friday night, I suggest being ready to get in the park by 9:00 AM or 9:30 AM on Saturday. You can be one of the first people in and get a lot of wait-free riding before the crowds come! If you can't find transportation from Cleveland to Sandusky at that time of night, maybe you could spend the night in Cleveland and stay a while at Six Flags on the 1st. Public transportation should get you where you need to go in Cleveland ( )CP closes at 10 PM on the 1st, so maybe you could ride to Sandusky and go to CP that night (if you enter the park after 5 PM or so, the ticket is cheaper.) Are you under 21? Some people under 21 have a slight problem getting a hotel room in the US at certain hotels (there are many hotels that would let you stay even if you were 18-21 though.) You will also have to figure out transportation from Sandusky to CP; I'm not sure what there is for that. Whatever you figure out, you'll have a great time!

A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
Last labor actually wasn't too bad mostly because all the kiddies (like myself) had school the next day :( Anyways sleeping through classes is ok :)

You could probably get a hotel right around the clevland airport for the night...then go to SFWoA (Formally SFO). Then spend that night at the same hotel...then catch the first bus to Sandusky.

Just an idea :)

P.S. Look at the topics for tips on how to get to M.F. quick using marina enterance :)
Regarding Labour (note UK spelling) Day - many countries throughout the world celebrate "Mayday" on May 1 as their recognition of labor's contribution to society. The irony of Mayday is that it is largely unknown in the U.S., despite its modern origins - the Haymarket Riot of May 1 1886, where Chicago police killed half-a-dozen people demonstrating for worker's rights. I believe only Canada and the States have "labor day" in September ...
Unfortunatly, the US is very poor on short distance intercity transit. Greyhound and Amtrak are about the only options. Traveling on Greyhound is painfully slow and Amtrak is always changing routes and it doesn't have a lot of stations.

You're in luck though. Amtrak does operate between Cleveland and Sandusky. Check the website for details.

Maybe your best bet is to become friends with car-owning Cedar Point fan who lives in Cleveland. :)

everything's better with a banjo
Thanks everyone for your advice, much appreicated. Sounds like a may have problems with getting about.
Regarding my Hotel, i am 27 and have booked 4 nights already at Sandusky so cannot stay in clevelnad now.
Thanks all, and keep any tips coming.

lee in UK
Honestly Lee, you can probably just rent a car for rather cheap and then that way, you would not be limited at all in your travels. I'd just suggest booking it soon before too many people make their holiday travel plans.

Just remember its the RIGHT side of the road over here :). Hope you have a great time!

I really should be working...
LOL! Wolfhounde!

Yeah, Left side is the driver's side, Right side of the road is where you drive. :)
I thought he had said that he couldn't rent a car in the US...

I don't think the Six Flags Ohio experience is going to be worth the trouble its going to take to get there from Sandusky. It would probably be better to enjoy the non coaster aspects of Cedar Point rather than make the trip to Six Flags. Like I am sure you are getting the picture getting around the States without a car (even with a car for that matter) is not like getting around the UK.
I gotta say, taking a CP newbie from the other side of the pond around the park would be a thrill...Lee, let me know if you're interested in having any Po!nters give you the guided tour! :) Great choice on where to go over here, we'll show you a damn good time! :)
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Hi all,
I really appriecate all this help, thanks..
The only reason i dont seem to be able to hire/rent a car is i do not have a credit card, which i cant find any companies that will rent without one!! :( still looking though. shame cos i really want to try to drive on the WRONG side of the road.. lol
Re: CP Irvine; sounds good to me, local guide too..mail me please.

"an englishman does it with a stiff upper lip" *** This post was edited by LeeUK on 7/28/2001. ***

when i say the wrong side i of course mean the right side??? lol
"An English Gentleman does it with a stiff upper lip"
AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039
Duh, you know I thought there WAS a reason you couldn't rent a car. Shows you how with it I've been....its almost like someone keeps me up talking all hours of the night. Hmmmmm, did someone say something in another thread about a possible ferry from Cleveland to Sandusky perhaps?

Its honestly too bad that I think I have plans that weekend...would love to help out.

I really should be working...
Blah on you, hun :) I dropped Lee an email to let him know I'd be happy to give him a tour if I can..that's move-in weekend at Eastern. Love giving tours! :)
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Ummm, Anne, thought you also had plans Labor Day weekend at Wildwood?

I really should be working...
Tour sounds good to me, mail in the post. My profile is up now. so i feel part of this forum now..

"An English Gentleman does it with a stiff upper lip"
AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039
Lee, you have two tourguides to the Point in me and Brian :) (Yeah, guess I'm not going to Wildwood...) We'd also love to help you get to the can follow us since you don't know the roads. We'll work on plans via email...
I'm gonna sell this guy on why we're the best park in the world, end of story! :)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*

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