Hello everyone, I usually don't post topics, but I need a spot of help here. I'm heading up to the park for the first time this year next week. I have a friend who has been on everything except MF and Magnum. He doesn't know why, he just won't ride them. I have $50 bucks on the line saying that I can get him to ride either of the two. Now what I need help with, is if you were me, how would you get someone to ride one of the two? I'd rather see him on MF, but either one I get him on I'll be happy with, I want $50! Any help is greatly appreciated.
At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I went to CP with a Coaster/Cedar Point virgin last year, and there was no way we thought he'd ride the big rides. He started out with DT, and Gemini. Then we tried to get him on MS telling hime it wasn't that much taller than Gemini. We had no such luck.
After that we went over to Magnum...:) We convinced him that Magnum was blue and not that big red thing. Well he had his eyes closed the whole ride and he didn't like it that much. Then we headed over to MF. We told him he didn't have to go on it, but just wait the 2 hours with us.
But every time the trains flew by and over the line we could see that his confidence was building. Then halfway through the line he said we might go on it. He tried backing out of it, but we made hime get in the train. He closed his eyes for the first drop, but the rest of the ride he loved it. It was his favorite.
So my suggestion is to either help him build up his confidence, or offer to buy him the on-ride photo that he could go flash around his friends.
If the bet is with the guy that has to ride one of these, then you're toast. In fact, why would you even make that bet?
However, if someone else was insane enough to make the bet with you, here's how I'd sell Magnum (forgive me Dan).
You've already been on higher rides (Space Spiral, Power Tower).
You've been on rougher coasters (Mean Streak).
You've been on the same type track (Gemini - what does he know??)
You've been through tunnels (Antique Cars - I'm stretching as I work my way down the list).
Your drive to the Point on the highway may have been as fast as Magnum.
Finally, you could do what I did with my daughter to get her onto Magnum when she was eight years old. "Lexi, Daddy would never take you on anything that would ever hurt you". (OK, so that probably carried more clout coming from a dad than it would for you.)
Good luck either way.
Duane Cahill
Hey guys, I'm back!
My Strategy with my sons was simple... I tell them, you don't know untill your try,,,worst thing that could happen ....you would suffer a whole two minutes of your life on a ride you didn't care for.....a mere two minutes. Big emphasis on the duration of the ride and the fact that once will not kill you. (kinda like one bite of broccoli)
Works like a charm for me.
The ole you'll never know unless you try it out...you could be missing something spectacular!
Gets'em every time.
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
Good one Kruggie, I hadn't thought of that. In fact those were all good suggestions. Sorry to say but the bet's off. However, I'm still trying my hardest to get this guy on one of the two. I've though of having him wait in line (this will work best on MF) and then, if it is MF, he'll pretty much have to ride it, since he can't just walk through the car and out the other side (which is what he does a lot). I have a few other plans, but I'm not sure they'll work, I still need more! :)
At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
good luck:)
I went with two friends who were afraid of heights and nothing I said or did got them on the big coasters.They say they will try next time we go on the 18th of june for the big MF and Magnum.Who knows.I pray I wont be rididng solo next time on the greatest rides ever!:)
I Love Millennium Force!:)
I have a big height problem, and I forced myself to go on Kennywoods pitfall ride last season. I really regreted it basically. I stood in line and literally shook like a leaf for an hour, and got off barely able to walk my legs were like jello (I am not kidding). This was the ultimate in fear to me and I did it and I am thankful I did but I know I will never do it again. Lesson learned. I now know for a fact that I hate that ride and I won't die wondering about it.
Oh,, I would probably try to talk my friend into magnum first. MF is so much more powerful and I can see someone not liking the force of The Force but loving magnum....The first ride being MF could turn him/her off of them all together.....That sucker rocks!
Just another thought. I have lot's of'em but usually they don't add up to much!
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.