Heading to the point for the 1st time...

...this Friday. Any advice as to when to ride some of the more popular rides, MF, Magnum, etc. Also any advice as to when/where to eat would be helpful. Thanks in advance :).

Try to grab the popular coasters at the very beginning of the day or the end. There's a map on the official site that can help you find the entrances. As for eating, try to avoid the obvious lunch and dinner times, as they will be the most crowded then! But you have to have the fries (back by the Gemini or by Ocean Motion) - they're the best!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
go to the force when it opens. then hop in mantis if it is UNDER 20 minutes. ride the power tower if it is UNDER 20 minutes. go to magnum. ride it no matter what. ride it again. then again. go to gemini. ride it. ride it again. go to mean streak. ride it. go to THE ROUNDUP. they serve the best chilli-cheese dogs. then ride CCMR. then cruise down frontier trail. ride the FORCE if you want to wait. if not, wait for mantis if you havent. then wait for Dragon and Wildcat. Then Corkscrew. Walk down the midway to Disaster Transport. ride it. ride it again. then go to Blue Streak. ride it. ride it again. ride it again. then wait for raptor and ride. if you like it more than me, ride it again. then go to the FORCE. if you want to wait, ride it. then go down frontier trail and eat at La something or other. they serve great tacos. then go around and ride gemini. then hang out at magnum. ride it a lot. then go to the force when you are done. i am done rambling. that is my strategy that is awesome. i will quit rambling now. have a GREAT time.

3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Click on the "Strategy" link on the side of this page. It's a near-perfect guide to making the most of your day!

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
Eat at Midway Market. Ride Force early. Ride Raptor and Mantis late. Eat at Midway Market. Gemini and Corkscrew should be short all day. Save Gemini till afternoon when it will race though. Eat at Midway Market. Wildcat's line moves SLOW. Eat at Midway Market. Hop on Power Tower at night. Way cool. The Mine Ride is probably my least favorite ride. Oh, by the way, eat at Midway Market.

MF Count: 1 (and never again)
Whaddya mean never again?!?! You like the Midway Market.;)
[flames removed... watch yourself. -J]
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 8/11/2000. ***
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
What's life if you never get to the Po!nt?
OREO for a total number of 2 posts you are starting out on the wrong foot.

Why don't you lay off and give the guy a break. People come to this site to learn about CP and gain information. I do not appreciate your sarcastic humor.

Since you don't care to share your age then I have to assume you have something to hide, like maturity.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)

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