
Kay gang,
I have been home less than a week, and I have discussed it with the old man and we have decided to go for another trip for Halloweekends! (yippee)
My question is this. Am I looking at a massive crowd situation if we plan to go late October? would it be better to go Late September/early October?
AND ---- Jo! will ya let me cheat with my parent swap for a few extra raptor laps! LOL!
I would avoid the last Saturday at all costs!

2001 park line up:

Cedar Point: May 5-6, June 11th

(other parks N/A as of 05/02/01)
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Halloweekends can be moderate to heavy at any given time..Again it all depends on the weather too...Plus this year theres gonna be alot more added...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Again..It is impossible to predict the crowd levels at CP.
While last year the last weekend was HUGE Crowds due to outstanding weather...75 degrees no clouds. One of the previous weekends was so cold it SNOWED:)
The Halloweekends are great fun. Fridays has limited ride availability but low crowds. Saturdays are the busier day of the weekends.
You need to hope the weekends before you come have been had nice weather as then peolpe won't rush to CP on a the one nice Fall Day.

Half the fun of Halloweekends is just walking around to see all the decorations. My favorite is the "cemetary" that's been up by the Magnum entrance gate -- what's scary is how many of those rides we remember!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Thanks for the insight guys, what would I do with out you!
By liimited rides on Fridays, do you mean that it may be possible I won't be able to ride my fav. coasters?
In previous years,Friday nights included the following coasters: MF, Mantis,Raptor, Dragon Iron, Wild Cat, Power Tower,and some smaller rides. With the popularity growing,maybe we'll see more this year depending on number of employees working. I wish they would alternate rides every friday,so us Magnum fans don't get left out!! :(

LuvRaptor's avatar
Kruggie---ah .... no cant do that-you trying to get me into trouble? I have been to the past 3 Halloweekends-Friday nights generally are light.
Avoid Saturdays at all costs-especially the last Saturday of the season-it is PACKED and CRAZY!!!
The last Saturday of the season last year is a night I would like to completely forget.
I only work weekends this Fall so Friday nights are my nights to hang with my buds and RIDE!!
But Saturday and Sundays I will be playing ride op again...excited about it!! :)
CU then Kruggie!! :)

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Of I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!

HW's kick butt! Try a couple weekends before closing day, or even the weekend before. The weather's always great and lines aren't too heinous.
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
CM3= Stratus R/T
All of you guys saying to "avoid this day" or "avoid that day" I find hard to trust. Everyone on this board said "Don't go on Physics Day, it's the worst day of the year" were TOTALLY WRONG there was a fairly average to below average crowd. Several coasters were running only two trains. I find it hard to trust suggestions of days to visit the Point that I find on this board now...

-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
Well Squishy,
I tend to lean toward the input, I figure these guys have a good feel for what days on average tend to be more busy than others, of course I allow myself to understand that due to any given situation, reasons no one can controll they may be wrong. Ya know? I may schedule to go on days that usually don't pull a big crowd and find myself in for a big suprize, but thats just how it goes! But I sure do appreciate their guesstimations!
I agree, input is good. But most times you just need that Magic 8-Ball... :)
-John Gilman; Organizer of the DT 80
"Thanks for flying Dispatch Master Transport"
The last Saturday was so busy, that the park ran out of toilet paper, paper towel, cups, napkins, etc. What made it worse is that they don't run the rides at full capacity. So the lines are very slow. It could change, but it has been that way since Halloweekends have started.
So Far, Andrew's Crowd Calendar has been right on the money for the most part.

Event's can lead to larger crowds, and those events can be seen at cedarpoint.com. I skipped Physics Day, then I then went the exact same day the next week, Thursday. Millennium Force was only 20 minutes and everything else (including Raptor and Maggie) was a walk on :). I read the Trip Reports for Physics Day, and it sounded more like a mid June Day (which isn't bad) but is no where near how empty the park has been early this year. Other event's, like "spirit" day can draw larger crowds than expected.
2001 Force Count-30

Mental note to self: Pack toilet paper.

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