had strange MF dream last night....

i dreamt that MF jumped the track on the last turn coming into station and landed upside down, injuring 35 and killing one...it was VERY realistic and it was the little details that made it strange...MF had LOOPS, was built by Arrow, and was in a different location than it is now. i was still driving my classic 1964 Buick LeSabre and I, John, Jeff, Hooper, Dan and my two sisters were all there together, but we were all seniors in HIGH SCHOOL!! i think i really did scramble my brain last week...either that or it's MF/CP withdrawl. i may end up moving to Ohio sooner than i thought!! anyhoo, just had to share this with you fellow MF lovers who may or may not be having MF dreams....i apologize in advance for any nasty rumors this may start :) LOL!!!

i'm back and my brain is still scrambled... *** This post was edited by servo on 5/23/2000. ***
Well if it was made by Arrow....LOL!
I had a dream about MF a couple nights ago... When we went into the station we sat in 2.1, and that row was facing the other way. When we left the station we flew up the lift... went down the drop... but on the 2nd hill we were on the outside of the curve instead of the inside like it really is. When I woke up (around the bunny hop) I had that feeling like I was falling, it really startled me. This was the first dream that I had where I actually got to ride MF, well sort of anyways.

Let me get this straight...Arrow, building Millennium Force...with loops...at another park, I dunno, let's say, SFGAm...Realistic? Riiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhht. :) I'm gonna go over here, and you stay there. :)
when i said different location, i meant different location at CP...and by realistic i meant it wasn't like i was dreaming, it was like i was living it instead....sheese!! :)

i'm back and my brain is still scrambled...
I hope these dreams don't really mean anything. :-)

What's Wrong With MF? Find Out HERE!
well, i DO get the occasional "premonition" or "Deja Vu" dream...i'm sure it's nothing..really...........i think.....

i'm back and my brain is still scrambled...
It freaks me out when I dream up something and then it happens. Whenever it happens to me, I try to do the exact opposite of what I do in my dream.
Sounds like a combo dream between MF and the accident at the nascar track last week, when the walk way fell down, injuring several!

Also can we have a moment of peace for Adam Petty! He will be missed!...................

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Last night I had a dream about MF. I looked up and it was like 1000 feet tall. The cars goingup the lift looked as small as matchbox cars compared to the lift. I saw the line and it started raining. I woke up before anything else had happened.
Many of you may not believe this one, but this is posted for those of you who do...I have had a recurring dream about this coaster -- strange thing is, I started having it about 5 years ago. The dream is always the same. Cedar Point builds an absolutey TALL and LONG steel rollercoaster and the first hill runs along the train track on that side of the park -- exactly where MF stands now. The 3 things that always stood out in the dream were its location, the fact that is was over 300 ft. tall and the speed of the lift hill. Those things were always the same, but each time there are differences like the color, the look of the cars, the number of trees, etc. Each time though, when you come down, it starts going along the length of the park very fast but never turns. It ends up going into some woods and never comes back. After travelling about a mile it becomes a wooden coaster, then the track gets rougher and older looking and eventually resembles a mine car track. It then becomes very dark and the ride runs out of track and just sits there. And there is no one around, and there is no CP anywhere. Kinda scary when I think about it -- hey, i'll still ride MF though. YOU BET!!!

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