Hello. When I first came to this site in either late '99 or early '00, can't remember, I was drawn to this site because of its seemingly endless depth in photos, news and features. I especially loved the bug feature. That bit of info was great for someone like me who wanted to know more about those little creatures that made my first trip to CP so weird. I've been here countless times through the 2000 season and haven't seen any new features like that pop up much. I guess I'm wondering if there are other little stories out there, or features that can be put up on the site to give it even more depth. I'm not saying the site needs it badly. The forum keeps me reading all the time. And the news is constantly changing. But I always liked the facts and fictions about the park on the site and wondered if Jeff was planning on posting up some more cool features like that. That is, if he has the time. Just a thought...
Question: How do you explain the actions of millions of people who wait hours upon hours to be dropped down a hill?
Answer: You don't...
Well, to be honest, CoasterBuzz has been a little time consuming, seeing as how the average day brings 3,000 visitors to that site, and around 700 to this one.
As you might expect, you reach a point where there isn't much to add here unless Cedar Point does. At some point I want to go through and fix stuff, clean it up, etc., and perhaps even redesign the site. That takes a lot of time, and as you probably know, I'm married, have a cat, a day job and coach volleyball. There aren't enough hours in the day.
As soon as the CoasterBuzz relaunch is finished (next week, I hope), I'll get back to some stuff here, including the survey. My wife appreciates the comments about the bug features.
Stay tuned... there are several insanely cool things coming here. As soon as the advertising dollars start rolling in again, that is!
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
"As soon as the CoasterBuzz relaunch is finished (next week, I hope), I'll get back to some stuff here, including the survey."
CoasterBuzz relaunch... mmm, tasty...
Even though GTTP may have somewhat maxed out on its content (which is amazing), you also have to consider - it is the offseason. Any single-park oriented site is going to have a harder time doing things while the place is than when you can actually go in.
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.