
Hey all--how are you there? I am a new member to the board and just wanted to put a post out there introducing myself to everybody. My name is Brandon and I am about 3 hours away from the Point but do manage to get there a few times during the course of the summer. I have to say that I was not really a huge fan of roller coasters or amusement parks in general until I made a trip to the Point back in early 1999. The last I had been there was in 1991 (the year the Mean Streak opened) and my my my my how things changed between 1991 and 1999 huh? I don't know--there is just something about that park that is hard to explain--maybe it's the view as you cross the bridge to the park or maybe the view from high atop the "Space Spiral." I don't know but it's a great place to spend a summer day that's for sure! I won't bore you all with more. I just wanted to say hello--I look forward to discussing more about "America's Roller Coast" with you all in the near future! Happy Halloween!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Welcome to the board! It's a bit slow now that the park has closed for the year, but stick around!
Millennium Force laps: 2
Welcome, Brandino!

I see another has fallen to the spell of Cedar Point.

- Raptor Dave (not "Raptor Man Dave")
Welcome - just wait until we get going with plans for next season! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
about those plans...Still waiting!
Welcome...Have fun in the CP Place!!!:)

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!

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