GP's Reaction So Far

She obviously wan't very perceptive, because the ride was partially built before closing. :)

I just showed one of the girls in my school that likes coasters te animation and pictures. She freaked out and said she was going to freak out and die...but it a good way. Not that it would really kill her.

What is most anticipated event of 2003? the debut of Dragster, the release of Metallica's new album, the release of Terminator 3, or the release of Matrix:Reloaded...tough call.

some things I have heard:

"are they going to monitor your heart?"

"your necks going to snap off"

"thats all it does?"

"that is the dumbest name i have ever heard"

"they should have called it drag-force"

"I cant wait!"

"this thing is going to be crazy"

No one I met have been real enthusiatic about the ride. They say, "There's nothing special, its just really high and really fast."

But actually, "really high and really fast" IS whats so special about this ride

*** This post was edited by Superman: Ultimate Escape 1/14/2003 3:46:47 PM ***

I've heard plenty of, "That's awesome!" Actually, I haven't talked to anyone that won't ride it. What most people I've talked to find so amazing is the acceleration, and how dang high it's going to be. I can't wait!

Agent Stinky

Wise men say, a world without coasters is monotony.

Ive heard, "thats insane," but the most I"ve heard of anything is, "Wheres the rest of it? Oh, it just goes up and down, thats so stupid."

"That's all there is?" - Most common, disappointed response.

BTS Cedar Point

"I don't want to go that fast!"
I heard a kid say MF was going 110 when it was first tested because the braking wasnt done right, and hitting extremely high g's. Hehe
Someone told me when I should her the pic that Cedar Point was running out of room. I said but it's ok because they're selling Magnum because it's sinking...and she believed me!
About running out of guy told me that they were gonna have to build a Cedar Point 2!
Cedar Point 2003, where no roller coaster rider has gone before
Because of the sheer excitement and joy when expressing the stats of TTD, the reactions of the people I'm telling are either:

A) run to the calendar to see if they can get off work for the 4th!

B) Run to the computer so I can show them the video, then to the calendar!

C) "wholly obscenity, obscenity, obscenity dude." "Sounds whacked out crazy big to me!" "let me know how it is!"

520, 500+, 160. prepare

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Most of the students at my school think it's amazing. This past week has been one of the few times I can hear a conversation about CP at school that I didn't start. I've had a lot of older people tell me that the TV says G-forces are going to kill people and CP will go out of business because they will kill everyone...stupid Marky. I've heard a lot of people say they won't ride, but I think they'll change their tune when they go to the park and see that it's completely safe.

Of course, there were the college kids I saw at Taco Bell sitting around discussing how they're all going to bust out joints when they are 420 up, but that's an entirely different story :)

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.
*** This post was edited by Ralph Wiggum 1/16/2003 11:46:25 PM ***

Just because you mentioned it. Can I tell you that on MF's opening day, debut year, these . . . well? People. Were smoking the 'dank' about two and a half hours into the four hour line. Let's just say they got YANKED. LAPD style.

- for better or worse, keep your nuggets at home kids!

520, 500+, 160. prepare.

I have been driving everyone crazy talking about this ride. But I have ran into a few people that have been just as excited as me. But how can you not talk about something as amazing as this. Plus I think only me and a few other people are going to CP this summer considering we live in New York and the best thing close is only SFDL which is nothing special at all. O well I can't wait!
I know how you feel. I live by SFDL too. But, I'm going to CP a few more times than last year though :)
'Le grill? What the hell does that supposed to mean?' -Homer Simpson
I'm near Dallas, so the closest park to me is SFOT. All my co-workers think I'm completely nuts to want to travel to Ohio (my homestate) and ride this monster. But, I can't wait. I've talked to younger people here who said they'd be afraid to ride it, but this over 40 fool is already planning a trip, even if I have to go by myself. Folks here asked if I was going to SFOT to ride Titan when they built it, and I said, "Naw, it's only 255 ft high, *yawn* ".

Count me as one who will definitely ride it this summer !

The day that someone says, "Naw, it's only 255 ft hight, *yawn* " is the day that I cease to be an enthusiast.

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